I'm trying to read a giant DF cbc.read.table:

my.df <- cbc.read.table("df.csv",sep = ";", header =F)

This is what I get:

Error in cbc.read.table("2012Q2.csv", sep = "|", header = F) : 
No rows to read

The wd is set correctly. Inprinciple it works using read.table, just that it doesn't read in all lines (about two million)

Has anybody an idea what I can do about this?

SOLUTION: Hi again, the following thread helped me out: R: Why does read.table stop reading a file?

The problem was caused by quotation marks, probably because some of them were not closing. I simply used an editor and deleted all double and single quotation marks as well as all hash marks. It's working now.

@Anthony: Thanks for your question. I noticed that the problem did not occur in the first three lines which is why I got idea that it's an issue with the file. Thanks!



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