valgrind 告诉我,我在 XX 个块中有 XX 个字节肯定丢失了记录等等

并且源代码在 malloc 中,但是,我认为这是因为我没有为 malloc 释放足够的内存。无论如何,我已经提供了我认为导致堆错误的代码。

我知道我没有释放 list_remove 中的内存,我很确定这是问题的唯一来源。它可能需要一些临时的转变,但我不知道这是否是唯一的问题。

list_t *list_remove(list_t *list, list_t *node) {
    list_t *oldnode = node;
    node->prev->next = node->next;
    node->next->prev = node->prev;
    if (list != oldnode) {
        return list;
    } else {
         list_t *value = list->next == list ? NULL : list->next;
        return value;

void list_free(list_t *list) {
    if (list) {
       while (list_remove(list, list_last(list)) != NULL) {}

list last 只是给出列表的最后一个节点。

编辑:我很抱歉没有提供足够的信息,Kerrek SB,alk。这是其余的代码,您可以看到 malloc 发生在 newnode 中,我可以在其中开始创建新列表。这个结构很简单,有一个值和一个上一个,下一个:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ll.h"

struct list {
    char *value;
    struct list *next;
    struct list *prev;

const char *list_node_value(list_t *node) {
    return node->value;

list_t *list_first(list_t *list) {
    return list;

list_t *list_last(list_t *list) {
    return list->prev;

list_t *list_next(list_t *node) {
    return node->next;

list_t *list_previous(list_t *node) {
    return node->prev;

static void failed_allocation(void) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n");

static list_t *new_node(const char *value) {
    list_t *node = malloc(sizeof(list_t));
    if (!node) failed_allocation();
    node->value = malloc(strlen(value)+1);
    if (!node->value) failed_allocation();
    strcpy(node->value, value);
    return node;

list_t *list_insert_before(list_t *list, list_t *node, const char *value) {
    list_t *insert_node = new_node(value);
    insert_node->prev = node->prev;
    insert_node->next = node;
    insert_node->next->prev = insert_node;
    insert_node->prev->next = insert_node;
    if (list == node) {
        return insert_node;
    } else {
        return list;

list_t *list_append(list_t *list, const char *value) {
    if (list) {
        (void) list_insert_before(list, list, value);
        return list;
    } else {
        list_t *node = new_node(value);
        node->prev = node->next = node;
        return node;

list_t *list_prepend(list_t *list, const char *value) {
    if (list) {
        return list_insert_before(list, list, value);
    } else {
        list_t *node = new_node(value);
        node->prev = node->next = node;
        return node;

list_t *list_remove(list_t *list, list_t *node) {
    list_t *oldnode = node;
    node->prev->next = node->next;
    node->next->prev = node->prev;
    if (list != oldnode) {
        return list;
    } else {
         list_t *value = list->next == list ? NULL : list->next;
        return value;

void list_free(list_t *list) {
    if (list) {
       while (list_remove(list, list_last(list)) != NULL) {}

void list_foreach(list_t *list, void (*function)(const char*)) {
    if (list) {
        list_t *cur = list_first(list);
        do {
            cur = cur->next;
        } while (cur != list_first(list));



2 回答 2


如果您担心 list_free() 我建议您在源头上强化删除链 以下假设,当一切都完成后,您希望 *list 为 NULL(因为整个列表刚刚被删除)。

void list_free(list_t **list) 
    if (list && *list)
        list_t* next = (*list)->next;
        while (next && (next != *list))
            list_t *tmp = next;
            next = next->next;

        *list = NULL;


list_t *list = NULL;

.. initialize and use your list...

// free the list

编辑在 OP 发布更多代码之后,有几件事很明显。

  1. list_newnode()不设置的值,prev因此next它们包含垃圾。
  2. 这里的所有其他函数都假设 (1) 正确初始化了 next 和 prev。坦率地说,我很惊讶这在第二次添加开始时并没有错。

循环列表插入必须假设被插入的新节点可以是初始列表本身。看来你正在做这方面的努力它需要的要困难得多。请记住,循环列表可以将任何节点作为列表头,这与删除当前列表“头”时的情况一样好。当这种情况发生时,必须有一种机制来为调用者重新建立新的列表“头”。当删除最后一个节点时,这种相同的机制必须允许将列表头设置为 NULL。


  • 您的大多数函数似乎都试图通过返回值向调用者建议列表头应该是什么。相反,他们应该通过 in/out 参数强制执行它。
  • 任何相对于另一个插入新节点的函数都应该返回新节点。
  • list_prepend()list_append()函数应该被认为是相对于列表头的核心插入函数其他 api(list_insert_before(),list_insert_after()等)应该完全与您在之前或之后插入的有效现有节点相关,并且正如我上面所说,始终返回指向新插入节点的指针。您将看到两个非基于根的插入器函数都不再传递列表头。
  • 您的大多数实用程序函数都是正确的,除了在执行取消引用之前不检查无效指针。还有一些没有,但至少现在可以管理。

以下是围绕您的大多数功能构建的代码床。实际的节点放置例程已经完成,我尽我所能评论它们。主要测试夹具非常简单。如果这里有重大错误,我相信 SO-watchtower 会很快指出它们,但代码的重点不仅仅是修复你的;这是一个学习的东西:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

// node structure
typedef struct list_t {
    char *value;
    struct list_t *next;
    struct list_t *prev;
} list_t;

static void failed_allocation(void) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n");

// initialize a linked list header pointer. Just sets it to NULL.
void list_init(list_t** listpp)
    if (listpp)
        *listpp = NULL;

// return the value-field of a valid list node.
// otherwise return NULL if node is NULL.
const char *list_node_value(list_t *node)
    return (node ? node->value : NULL);

// return the next pointer (which may be a self-reference)
//  of a valid list_t pointer.
list_t *list_next(list_t *node)
    return (node ? node->next : NULL);

// return the previous pointer (which may be a self-reference)
//  of a valid list_t pointer.
list_t *list_previous(list_t *node)
    return (node ? node->prev : NULL);

// return the same pointer we were passed.
list_t *list_first(list_t *headp)
    return headp;

// return the previous pointer (which may be a self-reference)
//  of the given list-head pointer.
list_t *list_last(list_t *headp)
    return list_previous(headp);

// insert a new item at the end of the list, which means it
//  becomes the item previous to the head pointer. this handles
//  the case of an initially empty list, which creates the first
//  node that is self-referencing.
list_t *list_append(list_t **headpp, const char* value)
    if (!headpp) // error. must pass the address of a list_t ptr.
        return NULL;

    // allocate a new node.
    list_t* p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
    if (p == NULL)

    // setup duplicate value
    p->value = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL;

    // insert the node into the list. note that this
    //  works even when the head pointer is an initial
    //  self-referencing node.
    if (*headpp)
        (*headpp)->prev->next = p;
        p->prev = (*headpp)->prev;
        p->next  = (*headpp);
        (*headpp)->prev = p;
    {   // no prior list. we're it. self-reference
        *headpp = p;
        p->next = p->prev = p;
    return p;

// insert a new value into the list, returns a pointer to the
//  node allocated to hold the value. this will ALWAYS update
//  the given head pointer, since the new node is being prepended
//  to the list and by-definition becomes the new head.
list_t *list_prepend(list_t **headpp, const char* value)
    list_append(headpp, value);
    if (!(headpp && *headpp))
        return NULL;
    *headpp = (*headpp)->prev;
    return *headpp;

// insert a new node previous to the given valid node pointer.
// returns a pointer to the inserted node, or NULL on error.
list_t *list_insert_before(list_t* node, const char* value)
    // node *must* be a valid list_t pointer.
    if (!node)
        return NULL;
    list_prepend(&node, value);
    return node;

// insert a new node after the given valid node pointer.
// returns a pointer to the inserted node, or NULL on error.
list_t *list_insert_after(list_t* node, const char* value)
    // node *must* be a valid list_t pointer.
    if (!node)
        return NULL;
    node = node->next;
    list_prepend(&node, value);
    return node;

// delete a node referenced by the node pointer parameter.
//  this *can* be the root pointer, which means the root
//  must be set to the next item in the list before return.
int list_remove(list_t** headpp, list_t* node)
    // no list, empty list, or no node all return immediately.
    if (!(headpp && *headpp && node))
        return 1;

    // validate the node is in *this* list. it may seem odd, but
    //  we cannot just free it if the node may be in a *different*
    //  list, as it could be the other list's head-ptr.
    if (*headpp != node)
        list_t *p = (*headpp)->next;
        while (p != node && p != *headpp)
            p = p->next;
        if (p == *headpp)
            return 1;

    // isolate the node pointer by connecting surrounding links.
    node->next->prev = node->prev;
    node->prev->next = node->next;

    // move the head pointer if it is the same node
    if (*headpp ==  node)
        *headpp = (node != node->next) ? node->next : NULL;

    // finally we can delete the node.
    return 0;

// release the entire list. the list pointer will be reset to
//  NULL when this is finished.
void list_free(list_t **headpp)
    if (!(headpp && *headpp))
    while (*headpp)
        list_remove(headpp, *headpp);

// enumerate the list starting at the given node.
void list_foreach(list_t *listp, void (*function)(const char*))
    if (listp)
        list_t *cur = listp;
        do {
            cur = cur->next;
        } while (cur != listp);

// printer callback
void print_str(const char* value)
    printf("%s\n", value);

// main entrypoint
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    list_t *listp;

    // insert some new entries
    list_t* hello =   list_append(&listp, "Hello, Bedrock!!");
    assert(NULL != hello);
    assert(listp == hello);

    // insert Fred prior to hello. does not change the list head.
    list_t* fred = list_insert_before(hello, "Fred Flintstone");
    assert(NULL != fred);
    assert(listp == hello);
    // Hello, Bedrock!!
    // Fred Flintstone
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);

    // insert Wilma priot to Fred. does not change the list head.
    list_t* wilma = list_insert_before(fred, "Wilma Flintstone");
    assert(NULL != wilma);
    assert(list_next(wilma) == fred);
    assert(list_previous(wilma) == hello);
    // Hello, Bedrock!!
    // Wilma Flintstone
    // Fred Flintstone
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);

    list_t* barney =  list_prepend(&listp, "Barney Rubble");
    list_t* dino =    list_insert_after(wilma, "Dino");
    assert(barney != NULL);
    assert(dino != NULL);
    assert(listp == barney);
    assert(list_previous(barney) == fred);
    assert(list_next(barney) == hello);
    // Barney Rubble
    // Hello, Bedrock!!
    // Wilma Flintstone
    // Dino
    // Fred Flintstone
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);

    // remove everyone, one at a time.
    list_remove(&listp, fred);   // will not relocate the list head.
    // Barney Rubble
    // Hello, Bedrock!!
    // Wilma Flintstone
    // Dino
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);

    list_remove(&listp, hello);  // will not relocate the list head.
    // Barney Rubble
    // Wilma Flintstone
    // Dino
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);

    list_remove(&listp, barney); // will relocate the list head.
    // Wilma Flintstone
    // Dino
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);
    assert(listp == wilma);
    assert(list_next(wilma) == dino);
    assert(list_previous(listp) == dino);

    list_remove(&listp, wilma);  // will relocate the list head.
    // Dino
    list_foreach(listp, print_str);

    list_remove(&listp, dino);   // will relocate the list head;

    // generate a raft entries (a million of them)/
    char number[32];
    int i=0;
    for (;i<1000000; i++)
        sprintf(number, "%d", i);
        list_append(&listp, number);

    // now test freeing the entire list.

    return 0;


Hello, Bedrock!!
Fred Flintstone

Hello, Bedrock!!
Wilma Flintstone
Fred Flintstone

Barney Rubble
Hello, Bedrock!!
Wilma Flintstone
Fred Flintstone

Barney Rubble
Hello, Bedrock!!
Wilma Flintstone

Barney Rubble
Wilma Flintstone

Wilma Flintstone


最后的想法:我已经通过 valgrind 运行了这个,没有发现任何泄漏。我很肯定它不会满足您的需求。** 大部分会(其中一半已经存在)。

于 2012-11-12T13:49:25.573 回答



于 2012-11-12T12:41:58.400 回答