我试图将部分内容直接呈现到我的页面中,当用户单击时,将播放器添加到队列中,该播放器将从可用的播放器移动到选定的播放器中。我遇到的问题是用 jquery/ujs 做这个
%h5 Available Players
%th Player
%th Position
%th Phone
- @users.each do |user|
%td= full_name(user)
%td= user.mobile
%button.btn.dropdown-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown"}
%li{:class=>"nav-header"} User Management
%li= link_to "Add to #{full_name(user)} lineup", availabilities_path(:availability => {:team_id => @schedule.team_id, :user_id => user, :schedule_id => @schedule.id, :unique_id => availability_unique_id(user,@schedule) }), :remote => true, :method => :post, :class => 'addRecord'
%li= link_to "Put #{full_name(user)} on standby", "#"
-title("#{current_user.team.name} :: Schedule")
/ Begin Modal Form
= render 'schedules/modalform'
= render 'schedules/modaldelete'
/ Begin Notice Alert
- if notice
%button.close{"data-dismiss" => "alert"} ×
%strong Success:
= notice
%h4.alert-heading= "#{event_display(@schedule.event)} on #{schedule_time @schedule}"
%h5.alert-heading= "#{@schedule.location.name} (#{@schedule.location.address})"
%p.times= "Arrived at #{arrive_time(@schedule)}, Ends at #{end_time(@schedule)}"
- if can? :manage, @schedule
-#%h6.alert-heading Total Attending
-# .bar.bar-success.tip-top{:style => "width: #{accepted_players(@schedule)/number_of_selected_players(@schedule)}%;", "data-original-title" => "14 out of 17 teammates (82%) have ACCEPTED notifications for this event. Click to see who they are."}= accepted_players(@schedule)
-# .bar.bar-danger.tip-top{:style => "width: 10%;", "data-original-title" => "14 out of 17 teammates (82%) have ACCEPTED notifications for this event. Click to see who they are."}= declined_players(@schedule)
-# .bar.bar-info.tip-top{:style => "width: 55%;", "data-original-title" => "14 out of 17 teammates (82%) have ACCEPTED notifications for this event. Click to see who they are."}= na_players(@schedule)
= link_to "<i class='icon-white icon-book'></i> Close Appointments".html_safe, "#", :class => "btn btn-small btn-primary"
= link_to "<i class='icon icon-envelope'></i> Email Attendance Report".html_safe, "#", :class => "btn btn-small"
= link_to "<i class='icon icon-pencil'></i> Edit this #{event_display(@schedule.event)}".html_safe, "#modalEvent", :class => "btn btn-small", :data => {:toggle => "modal"}
= link_to "<i class='icon-white icon-remove'></i> Delete Event".html_safe, "#modalDelete", :class => "btn btn-small btn-danger", :data => {:toggle => "modal"}
= render 'schedules/available_players'
= render 'schedules/named_players'
%h5= "Event Location Map"
%img{:alt => @schedule.location.address, :src => "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=300x250&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false&markers=color:blue|label:#{@schedule.location.name}|#{@schedule.location.address}"}
%span.help-block= "#{@schedule.location.name} (#{@schedule.location.address})"
%h5= "Availability Summary"
%td In
%span.label.label-success= accepted_players(@schedule)
%td Out
%span.label.label-important= declined_players(@schedule)
%td N/A
%span.label= na_players(@schedule)`
和 js 文件
`$('#dynamicLoadingPanel').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'schedules/named_players')) %>")