我正在尝试将 Jenkins xUnit 插件用于我的 Qt 单元测试项目,但我无法使其工作......
首先,我使用 qmakebuilder 插件构建我的单元测试项目(向 qmakebuilder 插件提供 .pro),然后我添加一个Execute Shell
构建部分,首先rm -f
是 testResult xml 文件,然后运行测试带有标志的二进制-xunitxml
文件让它为我生成 xml 文件我命名 xml 文件testResult.xml
rm -f /home/guest/QT/unitTest/testResult.xml
cd /home/guest/QT/unitTest
./tst_unittesttest -xunitxml > testResult.xml
最后在 Post Build Action 中,我选择Publish xUnit test result
但是,构建作业会失败,这是我在使用 Jenkins 构建作业时得到的输出:
[xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing QTestlib-Version N/A
[xUnit] [INFO] - [QTestlib-Version N/A] - 1 test report file(s) were found with
the pattern '*.xml' relative to '/home/guest/QT/unitTest' for the testing framework
'QTestlib-Version N/A'.
[xUnit] [ERROR] - The converted file for the result file '/home/guest/QT/unitTest
/testResult.xml' (during conversion process for the metric 'QTestlib') is not
The report file has been skipped.
[xUnit] [ERROR] - The plugin hasn't been performed correctly: hudson.util.IOException2:
Failed to read /home/guest/QT/unitTest/generatedJUnitFiles/QTestlib/TEST--735044756.xml
Build step 'Publish xUnit test result report' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Publish xUnit test result report' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
如您所见,将我的测试结果 xml 文件转换为 xUnit 插件可以读取的文件时出现问题。我的 testResult.xml 文件如下所示:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<testsuite errors="2" failures="0" tests="4" name="UnitTestTest">
<property value="4.7.4" name="QTestVersion"/>
<property value="4.7.4" name="QtVersion"/>
<testcase result="pass" name="initTestCase">
<!-- message="called before everything else" type="qdebug" -->
<testcase result="pass" name="myFirstTest"/>
<testcase result="pass" name="mySecondTest"/>
<testcase result="pass" name="cleanupTestCase">
<!-- message="called after myFirstTest and mySecondTest" type="qdebug" -->
<![CDATA[called before everything else]]>
<![CDATA[called after myFirstTest and mySecondTest]]>
是一个单行 xml 文件:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>