我们正在使用以下查询来获取过去 7 天向 facebook 添加照片的所有朋友列表。它以前可以工作,但现在不工作了,只列出用户列表的一部分,用户 ID 范围在 1000000000 到 1200000000 之间。但是我们的朋友 ID 范围从 1000000000 到 1500000000

https://graph.facebook.com/fql?access_token=[accessToken]&q=select uid,从用户那里选择 uid 的名称(从所有者所在的专辑中选择所有者(从 uid1=me() 的朋友中选择 uid2)和 modified_major > now()-3600*24*7) 按名称排序


1 回答 1


Adding more details to my question. I have around 17 friends who added photos in last 7 days. But above query returns only first 7 friends name only. If I give ranged query like https://graph.facebook.com/fql?access_token=[accessToken]&q=select uid, name from user where uid in (select owner from album where owner in (select uid2 from friend where uid1=me() and uid2 > 12000000000 < uid2 1300000000) and modified_major > now()-3600*24*7) ORDER BY name. It returns next set of 5 friends whose userids are between given range. Again udi2 >1300000000 and uid2 <1400000000 and it returned next 2 friends. I can't give paginated query in my application and my above mentioned query without range should return all the friends list. (It was working fine for more than one year and suddenly not been working for couple of months)

于 2012-11-14T04:03:36.080 回答