您需要使用 PayPal 自适应付款,IPN 无济于事。
使用 PayPal PHP 库,它可能如下所示:
// Create an instance, you'll make all the necessary requests through this
// object, if you digged through the code, you'll notice an AdaptivePaymentsProxy class
// wich has in it all of the classes corresponding to every object mentioned on the
// documentation of the API
$ap = new AdaptivePayments();
// Our request envelope
$requestEnvelope = new RequestEnvelope();
$requestEnvelope->detailLevel = 0;
$requestEnvelope->errorLanguage = 'en_GB';
// Our base amount, in other words the currency we want to convert to
// other currency type. It's very straighforward, just have a public
// prop. to hold de amount and the current code.
$baseAmountList = new CurrencyList();
$baseAmountList->currency = array( 'amount' => $this->amount, 'code' => 'GBP' );
// Our target currency type. Given that I'm from Mexico I would like to
// see it in mexican pesos. Again, just need to provide the code of the
// currency. On the docs you'll have access to the complete list of codes
$convertToCurrencyListUSD = new CurrencyCodeList();
$convertToCurrencyListUSD->currencyCode = 'USD';
// Now create a instance of the ConvertCurrencyRequest object, which is
// the one necessary to handle this request.
// This object takes as parameters the ones we previously created, which
// are our base currency, our target currency, and the req. envelop
$ccReq = new ConvertCurrencyRequest();
$ccReq->baseAmountList = $baseAmountList;
$ccReq->convertToCurrencyList = $convertToCurrencyListUSD;
$ccReq->requestEnvelope = $requestEnvelope;
// And finally we call the ConvertCurrency method on our AdaptivePayment object,
// and assign whatever result we get to our variable
$resultUSD = $ap->ConvertCurrency($ccReq);
$convertToCurrencyListUSD->currencyCode = 'EUR';
$resultEUR = $ap->ConvertCurrency($ccReq);
// Given that our result should be a ConvertCurrencyResponse object, we can
// look into its properties for further display/processing purposes
$resultingCurrencyListUSD = $resultUSD->estimatedAmountTable->currencyConversionList;
$resultingCurrencyListEUR = $resultEUR->estimatedAmountTable->currencyConversionList;