I have an app.less that imports everything (less) else if I comment a line in app.less app styles doesn't render the commented part, but if I change something in that imported less file, anything changes, I have to do cache:clear
and to clear the browser cache to see the new style loaded...
3112 次
2 回答
从另一个样式表(less、sass 等)导入的资源在更改时不会重新编译,即使您使用php app/console assets:dump --watch
. 请参阅有关 StackOverflow 的另一个问题和问题队列中的此AsseticBundle
于 2012-11-12T21:25:29.990 回答
我遇到了同样的问题。这是因为 LESS 正在使用您window.localstorage
来保存渲染的 css 文件。对于测试,您可以输入 javascript
<script> /* Provisory for dev environment: */ window.localStorage.clear(); </script>
于 2012-11-12T00:20:15.060 回答