I'm having issues getting ie to display my fonts correctly but they show correctly on Firefox, Safari, Opera, & Chrome. I used the website font2web to create the different font files and css files. I placed the fonts folder in the same directory as the css file that I'm working from and have looked through everything i can get my hands on relating to IE issues with @font-face but haven't had any luck.

The website is thex-terminator.com and i'll post the relevant code below. Any pointers would be appreciated!

/** Generated by FG **/

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Conv_WarnockPro-Bold';
    src: url('fonts/WarnockPro-Bold.eot');
    src: local('☺'), 
         url('fonts/WarnockPro-Bold.eot?#iefix') format('emdedded-opentype'),
         url('fonts/WarnockPro-Bold.ttf') format('truetype'), 
         url('fonts/WarnockPro-Bold.svg') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

h1 { font-family: 'Conv_WarnockPro-Bold'; }


1 回答 1


这是因为您没有使用字体的权限。如果您在 F12 工具中检查控制台,则会出现错误:

@font-face 未能通过 OpenType 嵌入权限检查。权限必须是可安装的。

我不确定您使用的字体是否未经许可用作网络字体,或​​者您使用的工具是否错误地设置了标志。您可以从http://www.fonts.com/font/adobe/warnock/bold/web-font获得 Warnock Pro Bold 的网络字体

于 2013-04-16T22:59:01.797 回答