Use Rewrite if it is an option:
Another method we can use is via mod_rewrite. This requires that the
mod_rewrite module is active on your webserver. It usually is and is
done by the system administrators when they installed the webserver.
mod_rewrite is a very powerful URL re-writing engine and we will only
by scratching a hair on its head here.
Again, in your .htaccess file
RewriteEngine ON RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1
The above example will re-map your old domain to a new one and issue a
301 status code (permanent redirect). So a request for will go to
If you simply want to redirect all requests regardless of the page
requested to the new domain you could use:
RewriteRule /.* [R=301,L]
In this case no matter what file or directory is requested they will
all go to i.e.,
will go to
The [R=301,L] means redirect the client and send a 301 status code
(R=301) and make this the last rule (L).