问题是,当我缩放图像(仅 onCreate)时,在第一次(也是第一次)使用旋转方法之后,我的视图又调整了一次,我不知道为什么。
让我向您发布我的旋转和缩放方法。玫瑰是我的 ImageView 实例(ImageView 玫瑰)
请查看并发布任何建议。我应该尝试不同的方式来缩放我的 ImageView 吗?
public void rotateRose(float angle){
angle = 360 - angle;
Matrix matrix=new Matrix();
pivX = rose.getDrawable().getBounds().width()/2;
pivY = rose.getDrawable().getBounds().height()/2;
matrix.preRotate((float) angle, pivX, pivY);
private void scaleImage(ImageView view, int boundBoxInDp)
// Get the ImageView and its bitmap
Drawable drawing = view.getDrawable();
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)drawing).getBitmap();
// Get current dimensions
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
int height = bitmap.getHeight();
// Determine how much to scale: the dimension requiring less scaling is
// closer to the its side. This way the image always stays inside your
// bounding box AND either x/y axis touches it.
float xScale = ((float) boundBoxInDp) / width;
float yScale = ((float) boundBoxInDp) / height;
float scale = (xScale <= yScale) ? xScale : yScale;
// Create a matrix for the scaling and add the scaling data
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.postScale(scale, scale);
// Create a new bitmap and convert it to a format understood by the ImageView
Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true);
BitmapDrawable result = new BitmapDrawable(scaledBitmap);
width = scaledBitmap.getWidth();
height = scaledBitmap.getHeight();
// Apply the scaled bitmap
// Now change ImageView's dimensions to match the scaled image
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
params.width = width;
params.height = height;
//pivX = width/2;
// pivY = height/2;