我遇到的问题是,当 file = open(fileName, 'r') 找不到文件时,一项检查正确地引发 IOError,另一项检查创建一个空白文件而不是给出 IOError。
# Try to open the input file
inFileOpen = False
while not inFileOpen and userTrying:
# If it opens, all good
inFile = open(inFileName, 'r')
inFileOpen = True
# If it doesn't open, ask user to try a different file
except IOError:
# Try to open the output file
toFileOpen = False
while not toFileOpen and userTrying:
# If the file opens in r mode, that means it exists already, so ask user if they
# want to overwrite the existing file, if not ask for a new file name
# ********************
# For some reason, 'r' mode is creating a file... no clue...
# ********************
toFile = open(toFileName)
toFile.close() # I have tried removing this just guessing at solutions. Didn't work.
# ... Ask if user wants to overwrite
# If the file can't be opened, all good, that means it doesn't exist yet
except IOError:
toFileOpen = False
toFile = open(toFileName, 'w')