I am updating my app to support the new iPhone 5.

I was wondering if there's any sort of way that you can create a different XIB file for the iPhone 5 that will load automatically, like when images with "@2x" in the end are loaded automatically when an iPhone 4 is used, without having to make any changes to the code itself.



1 回答 1


据我所知,没有任何简单的方法可以在没有额外代码的情况下为 iPhone5 加载正确的 xib。但是,我可以建议这个简单的类来检测 iPhone5。此外,这里还有一个为 iPhone5 选择正确图像的类别。您可以对 initWithNibName:bundle: 方法执行相同的操作。

于 2012-11-12T04:12:24.413 回答