2 回答
(define (copy lst)
(cond ((null? lst) ; if list is empty
'()) ; return the empty list
((not (list? (car lst))) ; if current element is not a list
(cons (car lst) ; cons current element
(copy (cdr lst)))) ; with the rest of the list
(else ; if current element is a list
(cons (copy (car lst)) ; cons recursive call over current element
(copy (cdr lst)))))) ; with recursive call over rest of the list
(elements-level '(1 2 3) 1)
; => '(1 2 3)
(elements-level '(1 (2) 3) 2)
; => '(2)
(define (elements-level lst lvl)
(cond ((or (null? lst) (< lvl 1)) ; if list is empty or below level
'()) ; return the empty list
((not (list? (car lst))) ; if current element is not a list
(if (= lvl <???>) ; if `lvl` is the base level
(cons <???> ; cons current element in list
(elements-level <???> lvl)) ; and advance recursion over cdr part
(elements-level <???> lvl))) ; else advance recursion over cdr part
(else ; if current element is a list
(append ; use `append` for flattening the list
(elements-level <???> <???>) ; recur over car, decrease one level
(elements-level <???> <???>))))) ; recur over cdr, keep the same level
level 1
for level2
(elements-level '(1 (2 (3 (4 (5))))) 1)
; => '(1)
I think you can use recursion with steps as below:
- Define a list to hold all elements at nth depth.
- create a recursion function, which takes
nested list
,new list
as argument - For each element of the nested loop, call the recursion function itself by passing the child list and depth as n-1.
- Add all elements of the
nested list
tonew list
when n = 0.
Once this method is done, you will all elements of depth n
in the new list
Possible Enhancement: If it is possible the some of the list elements don't extend up to nth level, then you may want to check the type of elements before calling the recursion method. If it's of type leaf, then simply add the element in the new list.