最近我遇到了一个很棒的 perl 模块“AnyEvent”,它允许用户进行异步/事件驱动的编程。

创建了以下代码片段,它工作正常。我遇到的问题是,在它打开和关闭大量套接字后,它很快耗尽了所有客户端端口(“netstat -ant”显示 20,000 多个套接字处于 TIME_WAIT 状态)。

$hdl = new AnyEvent::Handle (
  connect => [$ip, $port],
  on_connect=> sub {
      my ($handle, $host, $port, $tmp) = @_;
      #print "connect routine for $handle->{ue}\r\n";
      #update states.
  on_read => sub {
      my $hdl = $_[0];
      #read data
      #send response.

我想知道是否可以使用 IO::Socket::INET 创建 TCP 套接字,然后在 AnyEvent::Handle 中使用新创建的套接字:

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto    => 'tcp',
                             PeerAddr => $ue->{vars}->{ip},
                             PeerPort => $ue->{vars}->{dstPort},
                             ReusePort => 1,
            KeepAlive => 1
) || die "failed to setup outsock $@\n";
$hdl = new AnyEvent::Handle (
  fh => $sock,
  on_connect=> sub {
      my ($handle, $host, $port, $tmp) = @_;
      #print "connect routine for $handle->{ue}\r\n";
      #update states.
  on_read => sub {
      my $hdl = $_[0];
      #read data
      #send response.


感谢 ikegami 对此进行了调查并提出了建议。但是,似乎 SO_REUSEADDR 没有生效。这是我使用的代码(基于他的建议)

use strict;
use warnings;

use AnyEvent           qw( );
use AnyEvent::Handle   qw( );
use AnyEvent::Impl::EV qw( );
use AnyEvent::Socket   qw( tcp_connect );
use Socket             qw( SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEPORT SO_REUSEADDR);

my $ts = 0;
my $trans = 0;
my $currentTS;

sub transaction {
   my ($host, $port) = @_;
   tcp_connect($host, $port, sub {
      my ($sock) = @_
         or die "Can't connect: $!";

      my $handle;
      $handle = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
         fh => $sock,
         on_eof => sub {
         on_read => sub {
            my ($handle) = @_;
            #print $handle->rbuf();
            $trans ++;
            $currentTS = time();
            if ($currentTS > $ts) {
                $ts = $currentTS;
                print "$trans\n";
            #printf "recved %d bytes of data\n", length($handle->rbuf);
            # This should continue to read until header +
            # Content-Length bytes have been read instead
            # of stopping after one read.
            if (length($handle->rbuf) > 0) {
      $handle->push_write("GET /s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n");
      #$handle->push_shutdown();  # Done writing.
   }, sub {
      my ($sock) = @_;

      #setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, 1) or die $!;
      setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)  or die $!;
        #   die "failed to set linger $!\n";
      return undef;
   my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar();

   my $t = AnyEvent->timer(after=>0.001, interval=>1, cb=> sub {
      transaction("", 80 );


我的系统是 Ubuntu 11.04。在目录 /proc/sys/net/ipv4 中,以下是两个文件的内容:

% 更多 tcp_tw_recycle


% 更多 tcp_tw_reuse



2 回答 2


我无法运行以下内容,因为 Windows 不提供SO_REUSEPORT,但我非常有信心以下内容可以满足您的要求。


use strict;
use warnings;

use AnyEvent           qw( );
use AnyEvent::Handle   qw( );
use AnyEvent::Impl::EV qw( );
use AnyEvent::Socket   qw( tcp_connect );
use Socket             qw( SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEPORT );

sub transaction {
   my ($host, $port) = @_;
   tcp_connect($host, $port, sub {
      my ($sock) = @_
         or die "Can't connect: $!";

      my $handle;
      $handle = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
         fh => $sock,
         on_eof => sub {
         on_read => sub {
            my ($handle) = @_;
            print $handle->rbuf();

            # This should continue to read until header +
            # Content-Length bytes have been read instead
            # of stopping after one read.

      $handle->push_write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n");
      $handle->push_shutdown();  # Done writing.
   }, sub {
      my ($sock) = @_;

      setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
         or die $!;

      return undef;

   my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar();

   my $t = AnyEvent->timer(after=>0.001, interval=>0.001, cb=> sub {
      transaction("localhost", $ARGV[0] // die("usage"));



use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use IO::Socket::INET qw( );
use Socket           qw( inet_ntoa );

my $serv = IO::Socket::INET->new(
   Listen => 1,

say inet_ntoa($serv->sockaddr) . ":" . $serv->sockport;

while (my $client = $serv->accept()) {
   say "Connection from ".inet_ntoa($client->peeraddr).":".$client->peerport;
   while (<$client>) {
      last if /^(?:\r?\n)?\z/;

   say $client "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
      .        "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
      .        "\r\n"
      .        "Hello\n";

   say "   done.";
于 2012-11-12T10:19:51.653 回答

您正在做的事情无法使用 TCP/IP 完成 - 发生的情况是您正在运行一种保护机制(TIME_WAIT 状态),该机制确保 (srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport) 元组不再使用。REUSEADDR、REUSEPORT 和 IO::Socket 在这里都无济于事——这是一个协议限制。

唯一合法的出路是不要太快地创建相同的元组,例如,通过使用不同的源 IP 地址或重用现有的 tcp 连接来进行更多事务。甚至使用多个目标端口或 IP 地址——任何使元组更“独特”的东西都会有所帮助。


据我所见,ikegamis 示例片段非常好,很好地展示了如何从 IO::Socket “导入”套接字,以及如何使用 tcp_connect 绑定套接字。如果您选择使用多个源 IP 地址,那么他的代码会显示如何绑定到它们。

于 2013-06-09T05:28:20.597 回答