MSF 提供同步范围 - 表的声明是同步的,可以选择指定 filtercolumn 和 filter 子句,但是似乎没有办法将参数(比如 clientID)传递给过滤器。
下面是 msdn 文档中的示例:
' Create a scope named "filtered_customer", and add two tables to the scope.
' GetDescriptionForTable gets the schema of each table, so that tracking
' tables and triggers can be created for that table.
Dim scopeDesc As New DbSyncScopeDescription("filtered_customer")
scopeDesc.Tables.Add(SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Customer", serverConn))
scopeDesc.Tables.Add(SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("CustomerContact", serverConn))
' Create a provisioning object for "filtered_customer" and specify that
' base tables should not be created (They already exist in SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer1).
Dim serverConfig As New SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(scopeDesc)
serverConfig.CreateTableDefault = DbSyncCreationOption.Skip
' Specify which column(s) in the Customer table to use for filtering data,
' and the filtering clause to use against the tracking table.
' "[side]" is an alias for the tracking table.
serverConfig("Customer").FilterClause = "[side].[CustomerType] = 'Retail'"
' Configure the scope and change tracking infrastructure.
我们的问题是,我们需要将过滤器排除在客户端ID 之外作为运行时参数。
MSF 支持吗?
如果不是,也许这可以通过声明多个范围来实现 - 为每个客户端声明一个范围,过滤子句指定客户端 ID。这将要求每次我们创建新客户端时重新配置服务器......对吗?
有谁知道是否可以使用 SqlSyncScopeProvisioning 类将新范围添加到已经配置了现有范围的数据库?
似乎 MSF 已被设计为支持多个范围,我不清楚 SqlSyncScopeProvisioning 类是如何用于添加其他范围的。