我正在编写一个小型 JavaScript 实用程序库,其关键要求是一种方法:
- 获取 URL 和 ID
- 使用这些参数通过 Ajax(从提供的 URL)获取内容并将其放入 HTML 元素(由 ID 指定)。
- 创建一个对象来命名库 [不是直接相关,但它确实解释了下面代码的结构]
- 编写基于传递给它的 URL 返回 ajax 内容的通用方法 [请求工作正常,但将内容提供给单独的函数是我遇到问题的地方]
- 编写一个通用方法,该方法将采用 ajax 方法并将返回的值放入指定的 HTML 元素中[我希望这将非常简单,如果我能解决第 2 点]
我的问题是,当 onreadystatechange 确定 readyState 为 4 时,我无法找到返回内容的方法。发生这种情况时,我需要能够将 this.returnText 的值传递给一个将其放入HTML。
// Init-time branching is used to detect objects and set functions accordingly.
var utilite = {
addListener: null,
removeListener: null,
createAjaxObject: null,
ajaxReadyStateHandler: function() {
console.log('Ready state is: ' + this.readyState);
if (this.readyState === 4) {
// Check the status code:
if ( (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) || (this.status === 304) ) {
console.log('Status OK');
if(this.status === 304){
console.log('Using cached version');
// Here's the problem:
// Despite 'testingAjax' being passed to the original calling function
// I can't access it directly and am forced to hard-code it here.
utilite.setElementContent({id: 'testingAjax', content: this.responseText});
} else { // Status error!
console.log('Status error: ' + this.statusText);
} // End of readyState IF.
doAjax: function(passedObject) {
var ajax = utilite.createAjaxObject();
ajax.onreadystatechange = utilite.ajaxReadyStateHandler;
ajax.open(passedObject.requestType, passedObject.resource, true);
getElement: function (id) { // Retrieves element by passed id
'use strict';
if (typeof id == 'string') {
return document.getElementById(id);
setElementContent: function(passedObject){
'use strict';
var theElement = utilite.getElement(passedObject.id);
theElement.textContent = passedObject.content;
}; // This is the end of utilite
// Event listener branches
if (typeof window.addEventListener === 'function') { // W3C and IE9
utilite.addListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
utilite.removeListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
} else if (typeof document.attachEvent === 'function') { // IE
utilite.addListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
utilite.removeListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.detachEvent('on' + type, fn);
} else { // DOM Level 0
utilite.addListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj['on' + type] = fn;
utilite.removeListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj['on' + type] = null;
// Ajax object creation branches
utilite.createAjaxObject = function() {
var ajax = null;
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // Older IE.
ajax = new Ac
var utilite = {
addListener: null,
removeListener: null,
createAjaxObject: null,
ajaxReadyStateHandler: function() {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
if ( (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) || (this.status === 304) ) {
if(this.status === 304){
console.log('Using cached version');
/* -------------------------
It is the value of this.responseText here that I need to provide to a separate function
*/ -------------------------
} else { // Status error!
console.log('Status error: ' + this.statusText);
} // End of readyState IF.
doAjax: function(passedObject) {
var ajax = utilite.createAjaxObject();
ajax.onreadystatechange = utilite.ajaxReadyStateHandler;
ajax.open(passedObject.requestType, passedObject.resource, true);
getElement: function (id) { // Retrieves element by passed id
'use strict';
if (typeof id == 'string') {
return document.getElementById(id);
}; // This is the end of utilite
// Event listener branches
if (typeof window.addEventListener === 'function') { // W3C and IE9
utilite.addListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
utilite.removeListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
} else if (typeof document.attachEvent === 'function') { // IE
utilite.addListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
utilite.removeListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj.detachEvent('on' + type, fn);
} else { // DOM Level 0
utilite.addListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj['on' + type] = fn;
utilite.removeListener = function (obj, type, fn) {
obj['on' + type] = null;
// Ajax object creation branches
utilite.createAjaxObject = function() {
var ajax = null;
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // Older IE.
ajax = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
return ajax;
init = function(){
utilite.doAjax({requestType: 'GET', resource: 'test.txt'});
utilite.addListener(window, 'load', init);
return ajax;
init = function(){
utilite.doAjax({requestType: 'GET', resource: 'test.txt', target: 'testingAjax'});
utilite.addListener(window, 'load', init);