您可以使用 replace()
String 的方法,它有 3 种类型和 4 种变体:
revStr.replace(oldChar, newChar)
revStr.replace(target, replacement)
revStr.replaceAll(regex, replacement)
revStr.replaceFirst(regex, replacement)
String myString = "Here is the home of the home of the Stars";
myString = myString.replace("home","heaven");
////////////////// 编辑部分 ////////////////////// ///////////
String s = "The quick brown fox test =\"jumped over\" the \"lazy\" dog";
String lastStr = new String();
String t = new String();
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("test\\s*=\\s*\".*\"");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(s);
while (mat.find()) {
// arL.add(mat.group());
lastStr = mat.group();
Pattern pat1 = Pattern.compile("\".*\"");
Matcher mat1 = pat1.matcher(lastStr);
while (mat1.find()) {
t = mat.replaceAll("test=" + "\"Hello\"");