我有一个控件(GridView在下面的示例中命名)和一个视图模型,它们通过 2 路绑定对其SelectedValue属性进行绑定。GridView我想通过使用来禁止控件中该属性的某些值CoerceValueCallback

当绑定将该无效值(在此示例中为 42)推送到 中时DependencyProperty,该CoerceValue方法会丢弃该值,并且控件会按预期保留其先前的值。不幸的是,因为DependencyProperty没有改变绑定并没有更新视图模型中的源值。


class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public int? SelectedValue
        get { return _selectedValue; }
            _selectedValue = value;
    private int? _selectedValue;

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private void RaisePropertyChanged(string name)
        var propertyChanged = PropertyChanged;
        if (propertyChanged != null)
            propertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

class GridView : FrameworkElement
    public object SelectedValue
        get { return (object)GetValue(SelectedValueProperty); }
        set { SetValue(SelectedValueProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedValueProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedValue", typeof(object), typeof(GridView),
            new PropertyMetadata(null, null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceValue)));

    private static object CoerceValue(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
        // forbid value 42 and return previous value
        if (Equals(baseValue, 42))
            return d.GetValue(GridView.SelectedValueProperty);
        return baseValue;

    static void Main()
        ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
        GridView grid = new GridView();
        Binding binding =  new Binding("SelectedValue") { Source = vm, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay };
        grid.SetBinding(GridView.SelectedValueProperty, binding);

        vm.SelectedValue = 12;
        Console.WriteLine("should be 12: {0} = {1}", grid.SelectedValue, vm.SelectedValue);
        grid.SelectedValue = 23;
        Console.WriteLine("should be 23: {0} = {1}", grid.SelectedValue, vm.SelectedValue);
        vm.SelectedValue = 42;
        Console.WriteLine("should still be 23: {0} = {1}", grid.SelectedValue, vm.SelectedValue);


    var binding = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(d,

CoerceValue方法上无济于事。Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(updateSource, DispatcherPriority.DataBind);我什至尝试了在类似的堆栈溢出问题中建议的前 2 行。



@Berryl 建议我应该在视图模型中执行该逻辑,我同意他的观点……除了我不能。我将解释我试图在上面的代码中简化的完整用例。

GridView 不是我的控件,而是我继承的第 3 方数据网格。当用户编辑记录时,我们会弹出一个窗口,用户在其中编辑记录,然后视图模型刷新数据并使用其 ID 重新选择旧记录。在用户使用网格的过滤功能之前,一切正常。如果对记录的编辑由于过滤器而使该行隐藏,则会发生以下情况:

  1. ValueList在属性中查看模型集
  2. 网格读取该新列表
  3. 网格过滤列表
  4. View ModelSelectedValue使用位于ValueList
  5. 网格读取新的SelectedValue但将其丢弃,因为它已被过滤掉
  6. 网格有 SelectedValue = 23 并且视图模型有 SelectedValue = 42
  7. 用户双击所选行(他看到 23)以编辑记录
  8. ICommand视图模型中调用映射到双击
  9. 查看模型启动编辑窗口,其中包含来自其SelectedValue属性的记录
  10. 用户编辑记录 42 但认为它是 23

1 回答 1


我在很久以前的电子邮件中发现了这个解决方案,并认为我应该分享它(稍微清理一下)。这需要在当时致电 Telerik 和 Microsoft 的支持电话。

基本上,我无法从 CoerceValueCallback 取消属性更新的原因是:

  1. 在依赖属性的逻辑中强制值之前更新绑定
  2. CoerceValueCallback 的这种行为是设计考虑的


static GridView()
    SelectedItemProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(GridView), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, CoerceSelectedItemProperty));

// Rewriting SelectedItem coercion logic because of the following issue (we had support calls to both Telerik and Microsoft)
// When
//   - a filter is applied on the grid
//   - user refreshes after modifying a record
//   - the record he has changed would be filtered out by the the grid filter
//   - the view model sets the SelectedItem to the modified record (which is hidden now)
// Telerik's coercion method resets the selected item to a visible row but because WPF's
// binding occurs before the coercion method, the view model is not updated.
// Even a call to UpdateSource() on the binding does not work in this case because the binding
// is already updating the target while this happens so it does nothing when you call it.
private static object CoerceSelectedItemProperty(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
    // Call normal Coercion method because we don't want to rewrite Telerik's logic
    // and keep result to return it at the end.
    object returnValue = SelectedItemProperty.GetMetadata(typeof(RadGridView)).CoerceValueCallback(d, baseValue);
    var control = (GridView)d;

    // If coerce returned something other than DependencyProperty.UnsetValue we can use it to push it back to
    // the binding source because it is of the right type and the right value.
    // The only case when we can use control.SelectedItem is when coerce returned UnsetValue otherwise the
    // view model is always one click late.
    object officialValue = returnValue == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue
                                ? control.SelectedItem
                                : returnValue;

    var binding = control.GetBindingExpression(SelectedItemProperty);
    var source = binding.ResolvedSource;
    var property = source.GetType().GetProperty(binding.ResolvedSourcePropertyName);
    property.SetValue(source, officialValue, null);
    return returnValue;
于 2020-09-27T19:06:36.087 回答