在 cuda 代码的内核中不起作用
#include "Common.h"
#include <stdio.h>
__device__ __global__ void Kernel(float *a_d , float *b_d ,int size)
int idx = threadIdx.x ;
int idy = threadIdx.y ;
//Allocating memory in the share memory of the device
__shared__ float temp[16][16];
//Copying the data to the shared memory
temp[idy][idx] = a_d[(idy * (size+1)) + idx] ;
printf("idx=%d, idy=%d, size=%d\n", idx, idy, size);
for(int i =1 ; i<size ;i++) {
if((idy + i) < size) { // NO Thread divergence here
float var1 =(-1)*( temp[i-1][i-1]/temp[i+idy][i-1]);
temp[i+idy][idx] = temp[i-1][idx] +((var1) * (temp[i+idy ][idx]));
__syncthreads(); //Synchronizing all threads before Next iterat ion
b_d[idy*(size+1) + idx] = temp[idy][idx];
error: calling a host function("printf") from a __device__/__global__ function("Kernel") is not allowed