我需要为导出生成一个“扁平化”版本的数据,其中客户希望相关的表行显示为列。我们正在使用实体框架 4 和 .NET 4.0




User 1    User 1 info field A   User 1 info field B    User 1 Answer to question A    User 1 Answer to Question B
User 2    User 2 info field A   User 2 info field B    User 2 Answer to question A    User 2 Answer to Question B


from urf in tblUserRegistrationFields.Include("tblRegistrationFields")
where urf.UserID == eachUserID && urf.tblRegistrationField.EventID == thisEventID
select new
    FieldLabel = urf.tblRegistrationField.FieldLabel, //this is the question name
    value = urf.value //this is the user's answer


var users = from u in context.tblUsers
            select new
                UserID = u.UserID,
                CustomQuestionA = AnswerA,
                CustomQuestionB = AnswerB,
                ... etc.

最终我需要创建一个网格,然后我可以将其导出为他们想要的格式,并且我对非 LINQ 解决方案持开放态度(尽管购买 3rd 方控件不是一种选择。)我怀疑有一种方法可以利用 LINQ 的分组功能,但我无法将其应用于这种情况。


1 回答 1


我找到了一种在 SQL 中进行动态数据透视的方法,但无法让它与两个相关的表一起工作,只有一个。动态 SQL 在这里转: http ://www.simple-talk.com/blogs/2007/09/14/pivots-with-dynamic-columns-in-sql-server-2005/



//get the list of questions
var context = new EventRegistrationEntities();
var customQuestions = from rf in context.tblRegistrationFields
                      where rf.EventID == vEventID
                      select new
                          RegistrationFieldID = rf.RegistrationFieldID,
                          FieldLabel = rf.FieldLabel

//add a question column for each question
List<string> extracolumns = new List<string>();

foreach (var q in customQuestions)
    dt.Columns.Add(q.FieldLabel, typeof(string));

    //store the question names for later user
    extracolumns.Add(q.RegistrationFieldID.ToString() + "-" + q.FieldLabel.ToString());


foreach (var c in extracolumns) //these are the custom *questions*
    int regID = Convert.ToInt32(c.Substring(0, c.IndexOf("-")));
    string question = c.Substring(c.IndexOf("-") + 1); //we need to pass the question text (aka column header) in because if the user hasn't answered the question we have no access to it from here

    //get the question answer
    var userAnswer = (from urf in context.tblUserRegistrationFields.Include("tblRegistrationFields")
                      where urf.UserID == u.UserID && urf.RegistrationFieldID == regID
                      select new
                          Question = urf.tblRegistrationField.FieldLabel,
                          Answer = urf.value

     //add the answer to the data row
     if (userAnswer != null)
         dr[question] = userAnswer.Answer.ToString();
         dr[question] = ""; //if the user has not answered the question, insert a blank
于 2012-11-12T18:17:41.263 回答