I'm wondering if there is a python function/module that calculates the local time after midnight (or local solar time) given the UTC time and longitude? It doesn't need to take into account daylight saving time.

Thanks in advance.


5 回答 5



import ephem # pip install pyephem (on Python 2)
             # pip install ephem   (on Python 3)

def solartime(observer, sun=ephem.Sun()):
    # sidereal time == ra (right ascension) is the highest point (noon)
    hour_angle = observer.sidereal_time() - sun.ra
    return ephem.hours(hour_angle + ephem.hours('12:00')).norm  # norm for 24h


为了比较,这里是“UTC + 经度”公式:

import math
from datetime import timedelta

def ul_time(observer):
    utc_dt = observer.date.datetime()
    longitude = observer.long
    return utc_dt + timedelta(hours=longitude / math.pi * 12)


from datetime import datetime

# "solar time" for some other cities
for name in ['Los Angeles', 'New York', 'London',
             'Paris', 'Moscow', 'Beijing', 'Tokyo']:
    city = ephem.city(name)
    print("%-11s %11s %s" % (name, solartime(city),

# set date, longitude manually
o = ephem.Observer()
o.date = datetime(2012, 4, 15, 1, 0, 2) # some utc time
o.long = '00:00:00.0' # longitude (you could also use a float (radians) here)
print("%s %s" % (solartime(o), ul_time(o).strftime('%T')))


Los Angeles 14:59:34.11 14:44:30
New York    17:56:31.27 17:41:27
London      22:52:02.04 22:36:58
Paris       23:01:56.56 22:46:53
Moscow       1:23:00.33 01:07:57
Beijing      6:38:09.53 06:23:06
Tokyo        8:11:17.81 07:56:15
1:00:00.10 01:00:01
于 2012-11-16T22:41:35.387 回答

或者,如果您想更短,您可以使用NOAA 的低精度方程


import sys
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from math import pi, cos, sin

def solar_time(dt, longit):
    return ha

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print 'Usage: hour_angle.py [YYYY/MM/DD] [HH:MM:SS] [longitude]'
        dt = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[1] + ' ' + sys.argv[2], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
        longit = float(sys.argv[3])

    gamma = 2 * pi / 365 * (dt.timetuple().tm_yday - 1 + float(dt.hour - 12) / 24)
    eqtime = 229.18 * (0.000075 + 0.001868 * cos(gamma) - 0.032077 * sin(gamma) \
             - 0.014615 * cos(2 * gamma) - 0.040849 * sin(2 * gamma))
    decl = 0.006918 - 0.399912 * cos(gamma) + 0.070257 * sin(gamma) \
           - 0.006758 * cos(2 * gamma) + 0.000907 * sin(2 * gamma) \
           - 0.002697 * cos(3 * gamma) + 0.00148 * sin(3 * gamma)
    time_offset = eqtime + 4 * longit
    tst = dt.hour * 60 + dt.minute + dt.second / 60 + time_offset
    solar_time = datetime.combine(dt.date(), time(0)) + timedelta(minutes=tst)
    print solar_time

if __name__ == '__main__':
于 2012-11-16T21:17:03.633 回答

我看了一下 Jean Meeus 的天文算法。我想你可能会问当地的小时角,它可以用时间(0-24hr)、度(0-360)或弧度(0-2pi)来表示。



import sys
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from math import pi, sin, cos, atan2, asin

# helpful constant
DEG_TO_RAD = pi / 180

# hardcode difference between Dynamical Time and Universal Time
# delta_T = TD - UT
# This comes from IERS Bulletin A
# ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/ser7.dat
DELTA = 35.0

def coords(yr, mon, day):
    # @input year (int)
    # @input month (int)
    # @input day (float)
    # @output right ascention, in radians (float)
    # @output declination, in radians (float)

    # get julian day (AA ch7)
    day += DELTA / 60 / 60 / 24 # use dynamical time
    if mon <= 2:
        yr -= 1
        mon += 12
    a = yr / 100
    b = 2 - a + a / 4
    jd = int(365.25 * (yr + 4716)) + int(30.6 * (mon + 1)) + day + b - 1524.5

    # get sidereal time at greenwich (AA ch12)
    t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525

    # Calculate mean equinox of date (degrees)
    l = 280.46646 + 36000.76983 * t + 0.0003032 * t**2
    while (l > 360):
        l -= 360
    while (l < 0):
        l += 360

    # Calculate mean anomoly of sun (degrees)
    m = 357.52911 + 35999.05029 * t - 0.0001537 * t**2

    # Calculate eccentricity of Earth's orbit
    e = 0.016708634 - 0.000042037 * t - 0.0000001267 * t**2

    # Calculate sun's equation of center (degrees)
    c = (1.914602 - 0.004817 * t - .000014 * t**2) * sin(m * DEG_TO_RAD) \
        + (0.019993 - .000101 * t) * sin(2 * m * DEG_TO_RAD) \
        + 0.000289 * sin(3 * m * DEG_TO_RAD)

    # Calculate the sun's radius vector (AU)
    o = l + c # sun's true longitude (degrees)
    v = m + c # sun's true anomoly (degrees)

    r = (1.000001018 * (1 - e**2)) / (1 + e * cos(v * DEG_TO_RAD))

    # Calculate right ascension & declination
    seconds = 21.448 - t * (46.8150 + t * (0.00059 - t * 0.001813))
    e0 = 23 + (26 + (seconds / 60)) / 60

    ra = atan2(cos(e0 * DEG_TO_RAD) * sin(o * DEG_TO_RAD), cos(o * DEG_TO_RAD)) # (radians)
    decl = asin(sin(e0 * DEG_TO_RAD) * sin(o * DEG_TO_RAD)) # (radians)

    return ra, decl

def hour_angle(dt, longit):
    # @input UTC time (datetime)
    # @input longitude (float, negative west of Greenwich)
    # @output hour angle, in degrees (float)

    # get gregorian time including fractional day
    y = dt.year
    m = dt.month
    d = dt.day + ((dt.second / 60.0 + dt.minute) / 60 + dt.hour) / 24.0 

    # get right ascention
    ra, _ = coords(y, m, d)

    # get julian day (AA ch7)
    if m <= 2:
        y -= 1
        m += 12
    a = y / 100
    b = 2 - a + a / 4
    jd = int(365.25 * (y + 4716)) + int(30.6 * (m + 1)) + d + b - 1524.5

    # get sidereal time at greenwich (AA ch12)
    t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525
    theta = 280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (jd - 2451545) \
            + .000387933 * t**2 - t**3 / 38710000

    # hour angle (AA ch13)
    ha = (theta + longit - ra / DEG_TO_RAD) % 360

    return ha

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print 'Usage: hour_angle.py [YYYY/MM/DD] [HH:MM:SS] [longitude]'
        dt = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[1] + ' ' + sys.argv[2], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
        longit = float(sys.argv[3])
    ha = hour_angle(dt, longit)
    # convert hour angle to timedelta from noon
    days = ha / 360
    if days > 0.5:
        days -= 0.5
    td = timedelta(days=days)
    # make solar time
    solar_time = datetime.combine(dt.date(), time(12)) + td
    print solar_time

if __name__ == '__main__':
于 2012-11-15T04:44:36.380 回答

对于一个非常简单的函数和非常近似的本地时间:时间变化从 -12h 到 +12h,经度从 -180 到 180。然后:

import datetime as dt

def localTimeApprox(myDateTime, longitude):
   """Returns local hour approximation"""
   return myDateTime+dt.timedelta(hours=(longitude*12/180))

示例调用:localTimeApprox(dt.datetime(2014, 7, 9, 20, 00, 00), -75)

回报:datetime.datetime(2014, 7, 9, 15, 0)

于 2014-07-09T23:02:23.123 回答



import sys
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
import ephem

def hour_angle(dt, longit, latit, elev):
    obs = ephem.Observer()
    obs.date = dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
    obs.lon = longit
    obs.lat = latit
    obs.elevation = elev
    sun = ephem.Sun()
    # get right ascention
    ra = ephem.degrees(sun.g_ra) - 2 * ephem.pi

    # get sidereal time at greenwich (AA ch12)
    jd = ephem.julian_date(dt)
    t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525
    theta = 280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (jd - 2451545) \
            + .000387933 * t**2 - t**3 / 38710000

    # hour angle (AA ch13)
    ha = (theta + longit - ra * 180 / ephem.pi) % 360
    return ha

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 6:
        print 'Usage: hour_angle.py [YYYY/MM/DD] [HH:MM:SS] [longitude] [latitude] [elev]'
        dt = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[1] + ' ' + sys.argv[2], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
        longit = float(sys.argv[3])
        latit = float(sys.argv[4])
        elev = float(sys.argv[5])

    # get hour angle
    ha = hour_angle(dt, longit, latit, elev)

    # convert hour angle to timedelta from noon
    days = ha / 360
    if days > 0.5:
        days -= 0.5
    td = timedelta(days=days)

    # make solar time
    solar_time = datetime.combine(dt.date(), time(12)) + td
    print solar_time

if __name__ == '__main__':
于 2012-11-16T20:29:22.477 回答