在 Oracle 中,假设我有一个返回以下列表的查询:
ID Sequence#
12 1
15 3
25 5
在这种情况下,我只知道某行的 ID(假设为 12),我需要返回具有下一个序列号的行的 ID,在这种情况下为 3(id = 15)
我该怎么做?我知道有一个 Oracle 功能lead
-- sample of data from your question
SQL> with t1(ID, Sequence#) as
2 (
3 select 12, 1 from dual union all
4 select 15, 3 from dual union all
5 select 25, 5 from dual
6 )
7 select *
8 from (select id
9 , sequence#
10 , lead(sequence#) over(order by id) next_sequence#
11 , lead(id) over(order by id) next_id#
12 from t1
13 )
14 where id = 12
15 ;
---------- ---------- -------------- ----------
12 1 3 15
SELECT * FROM table1 where ID in (SELECT min(ID) FROM table1 WHERE ID > 12)
Select sequence from my_ table where id=(select min(id) from my_table where sequence> 1)
将上述查询中的 (1) 替换为您正在搜索其下一个的任何值