首先,我在 JSF 1.2 / Richfaces 3.3 / Tomahawk 1.1.9 下工作。
我在一个 JSF 页面中有这段代码(简化):
<h:form id="mainForm">
<h:panelGroup id="grupSelMalaltia">
<rich:panel header="Panel Name">
<t:subform id="selMalaltiesForm">
<rich:dataTable align="center" id="dataSelMalalties" value="#{TaulaMalalties.listMalalties}" var="cMal">
(some <rich:column>)
<t:commandLink actionFor="selMalaltiesForm" action="select_malaltia">
<f:param name="has_selection" value="true">
<h:graphicImage url="/Icons/select.png" />
INFO: Unable to find component 'selMalaltiaForm' (calling findComponent on component 'mainForm:selMalaltiesForm:dataSelMalalties:0:j_id_jsp_2136723630_43'). We'll try to return a guessed client-id anyways - this will be a problem if you put the referenced component onto a different naming-contaier. If this is the case you can always use the full client-id.
当按下按钮时,我只想提交这个子表单(我有其他 JSF 页面,它们运行类似的代码没有问题)。目前,由于这个问题,我没有得到这个结果。