我想要做的是当一个表单被发布时,脚本循环遍历具有特定属性的所有输入,如果它是空的,它会将其标记为红色并将文本更改为“此字段是必需的”2 秒,然后它会改变返回默认文本。
var isWorkingInputForm = false;
$(document).ready(function() {
var defFormInputBgColor = null;
// Warn user if required field is missing when posting form
$('form').submit(function(e) {
// Return is form is working
if(isWorkingInputForm) console.log('is working');
if(isWorkingInputForm) return false;
// Halt is true by default.
var halt = true;
// Start working. If form is submitted between the start and stop it'll be ignored.
isWorkingInputForm = true;
// Nope, it's not working, let's loop through all inputs
$('.formwrapper *[data-required="true"]').each(function(i, v) {
console.log('not working');
var val = $(this).val().trim();
var defVal = $(this)[0].defaultValue.trim();
var input = $(this);
// Store bg color if not already stored
if(!defFormInputBgColor) {
defFormInputBgColor = $(this).css('background-color');
// Check if it's empty (or equal to the default value (placeholder))
if( val == defVal || !val ) {
halt = true;
// Set red background
'background-color': '#FFDDDE'
// Show error text
$(input).val('Det här fältet är obligatoriskt');
// Wait for two seconds, then show the default text again
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
} else {
halt = false;
'background-color': defFormInputBgColor
isWorkingInputForm = false;
if(halt) {
// Form didn't validate, do nothing
变量。提交表单后,它立即设置为 True,并在脚本底部再次设置为 False。
设置为 true(意味着它被暂停了两秒钟),如果是,则返回 false(不要继续)。