我想在 Lithium 创建一条路线,它匹配

  • /abc
  • /abC
  • /aBc
  • 等等


Router::connect('/abc', array('Example::test'));




2 回答 2


对象的模式参数Route允许您定义不区分大小写的模式(如 Nils 的另一个答案中所述)。


use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\net\http\Router;
use lithium\util\Inflector;

 * The following Router and Dispatcher formatters keep our
 * urls case-insensitive and nicely formatted using
 * lowercase letters and dashes to separate camel cased
 * controller and action names.
 * Note that actions set in the routes file are also
 * passed through the Dispatcher's rules.  Therefore, we check if
 * there is a dash in the action before lower casing it to make it
 * case-insensitive.  For most of the framework and php, case sensitivity
 * is not an issue.  However, the templates are derived from the action
 * and controller names and case-sensitive file systems will cause
 * differences in case to not find the correct template.
 * This solution is not complete.  It does not account for case sensitivity
 * with controller names (because lithium's default handling doesn't touch
 * the case of it and we're not overriding the default controller handling
 * since it does at least camelize the controller).  It also doesn't account
 * for one word actions because they don't contain a dash.  What probably needs
 * happen is the Dispatcher needs a formatter callback specifically for
 * translating urls.
$slug = function($value) {
    return strtolower(Inflector::slug($value));
    'controller' => $slug,
    'action' => $slug
Dispatcher::config(array('rules' => array(
    'action' => array('action' => function($params) {
        if (strpos($params['action'], '-')) {
            $params['action'] = strtolower($params['action']);
        return Inflector::camelize($params['action'], false);
于 2012-11-10T00:25:42.897 回答


Router::connect('/{:dummy:[aA][bB][cC]}', array('Example::test'));

编辑:通过自己创建 Route 对象,还有一种更好的方法

Router::connect(new Route(array(
        'pattern' => '@^/ab?$@i',
        'params' => array('controller' => 'example', 'action' => 'test'),
        'options' => array('compile' => false, 'wrap' => false)

如果我打破 '@^/ab?$@i' 上方的模式

  • @ == 正则表达式的开始
  • ^ == 行首
  • /ab == 寻找“/ab
  • ? == 可选斜杠
  • $ == 行尾
  • @ == 正则表达式结束
  • i == 使其不区分大小写

你可以在这里找到更多信息:http: //li3.me/docs/lithium/net/http/Route

于 2012-11-09T16:07:06.577 回答