I tried both ZF 1.12.0 and 2.0.3, then ran this code:

On my computer it didn't work and seemed to stuck in this line:

$videoEntry = $yt->newVideoEntry();

I know that because when I put two echos around that line, only the first got displayed.

The weird thing is that there is no such method called newVideoEntry() anywhere, at all. And the most annoying thing is that it works completely fine on phpcloud, which turn out to be using ZF 1.11.11, an old version that I can't find anywhere on the internet.

I'm really lost. Any idea? Which version I should use, since they are so much different and incompatible. Any solution for that code ?


2 回答 2


if you want to use the same library as phpcloud all you have to do is to pull the content of the zf library that is hosted on the php cloud server. dont remember where it is exactly but should be in a zend folder on the phpcloud server. As for the error you get , without the exact error message it is hard to tell what's wrong.

于 2012-11-09T09:27:10.127 回答

Method newVideoEntry() does not exist because it is a magical method. Zend_Gdata_App::__call takes care of that. It creates Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry and things go on.

于 2012-11-09T09:48:28.850 回答