我们正在运行旧版本的 plone(版本 2.0.5)。(我们将在明年迁移到 plone 4)

我试图安装 Plone 修补程序 20121106,但是(如安装说明中所述),该修补程序不适用于 2.0.5 版本的 plone。


  • 安全漏洞是否也与 plone 版本 2.0.5 相关?
  • 还有其他方法可以在旧版本的克隆上安装热修复吗?

1 回答 1


Some of the security vulnerabilities do apply to 2.0.5, yes.

However, there are other unpatched vulnerabilities in 2.0.5 not addressed by this hotfix, and you want to move away from this old a version as soon as possible. The Plone security team does not provide official support for Plone versions this old; currently 3.x and 4.x releases are supported.

You can unzip the hotfix into your Products folder, and it should just work. I believe people have tested it on 2.0.x installations already; the test coverage certainly was run on 2.1. You'll have to run your own tests though to make sure nothing (important) breaks for you when the fix is installed.

于 2012-11-09T13:16:09.977 回答