例如,我有 9 个变量和 362 个案例。我进行了 PCA 计算,发现前 3 个 PCA 坐标对我来说已经足够了。
现在,我的 9 维结构中有新点,我想将其投影到主成分系统坐标。如何获得它的新坐标?
%# here is data (362x9)
load SomeData
[W, Y] = pca(data, 'VariableWeights', 'variance', 'Centered', true);
%# orthonormal coefficient matrix
W = diag(std(data))\W;
% Getting mean and weights of data (for future data)
[data, mu, sigma] = zscore(data);
sigma(sigma==0) = 1;
%# New point in original 9dim system
%# For example, it is the first point of our input data
x = data(1,:);
x = bsxfun(@minus,x, mu);
x = bsxfun(@rdivide, x, sigma);
%# New coordinates as principal components
y0 = Y(1,:); %# point we should get in result
y = (W*x')'; %# our result
%# error
sum(abs(y0 - y)) %# 142 => they are not the same point
%# plot
plot(y0,'g'); hold on;