这段代码真的让我很困惑,它使用了一些斯坦福库的向量(数组)类。谁能告诉我int index = line [j] - 'a';
void countLetters(string filename)
Vector<int> result;
ifstream in2;
if (in.fail()) Error("Couldn't read '" + filename + "'");
for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABETH_SIZE; i++)
result.add(0); // Must initialize contents of array
string line;
while (true)
getLine(in, line);
// Check that we got a line
if (in.fail()) break;
line = ConvertToLowerCase(line);
for (int j = 0; j < line.length(); j++)
int index = line [j] - 'a';
if (index >= 0 && index < ALPHABETH_SIZE)
int prevTotal = result[index];
result[index] = prevTotal +1;
获取文件名并打印字母表中每个字母在该文件中出现的次数。因为要打印 26 个数字,所以 CountLetters 需要创建一个 Vector。例如,如果文件是: