I have a Flash AS 2 project.. it loads variables using the myData.load(link) function..during this loading period i have a "please wait" animation.... when data is it turns off this waiting animation and runs my routine ..

all is well.

but my problem is if this myData.load() TIMES OUT.. meaning if FLASH tries to load the variables when the internet is down , the waiting animation stays forever.. even when i reconnect to the internet already, flash seems to get stuck at that loading sequence..

now, i can simply fix this by putting a "timeout" on the waiting animation to turn off after a few seconds.. that is in sync when flash decides to stop sending/loading the variables (Time To Live/Time Out kind of thing).. hence i need to know how long flash waits, and how to detect it.

I hope flash can detect this time out, trigger my load function w/ a fail status at least .. w/ the obsolete loadVariables() function this is better coz atleast flash responds FAIL when it cant connect to the target URL..

This also avoids several problems for me when that function is re-called.

any ideas?


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