用来实现类似于开箱即用的 Ruby 常量魔法的模块:
a = Class.new
a.name #=> nil - anonymous
ABC = a # constant magic at work
a.name #=> "ABC"
这里的优点是您不必编写 ABC = Class.new( name: "ABC" ),name 被“神奇地”分配。这也适用于 Struct 类:
Koko = Struct.new
Koko.name #=> "Koko"
class MySettings < SettingsLogic
include ConstMagicErsatz
ABC = MySettings.new
ABC.name #=> "ABC"
a = MySettings.new name: "ABC"
a.name #=> "ABC"
module ConstMagicErsatz
def self.included receiver
receiver.class_variable_set :@@instances, Hash.new
receiver.class_variable_set :@@nameless_instances, Array.new
receiver.extend ConstMagicClassMethods
# The receiver class will obtain #name pseudo getter method.
def name
name_string = self.class.instances[ self ].to_s
name_string.nil? ? nil : name_string.demodulize
# The receiver class will obtain #name setter method
def name= ɴ
self.class.instances[ self ] = ɴ.to_s
module ConstMagicClassMethods
# #new method will consume either:
# 1. any parameter named :name or :ɴ from among the named parameters,
# or,
# 2. the first parameter from among the ordered parameters,
# and invoke #new of the receiver class with the remaining arguments.
def new( *args, &block )
oo = args.extract_options!
# consume :name named argument if it was supplied
ɴς = if oo[:name] then oo.delete( :name ).to_s
elsif oo[:ɴ] then oo.delete( :ɴ ).to_s
else nil end
# but do not consume the first ordered argument
# and call #new method of the receiver class with the remaining args:
instance = super *args, oo, &block
# having obtained the instance, attach the name to it
instances.merge!( instance => ɴς )
return instance
# The method will search the namespace for constants to which the objects
# of the receiver class, that are so far nameless, are assigned, and name
# them by the first such constant found. The method returns the number of
# remaining nameless instances.
def const_magic
self.nameless_instances =
class_variable_get( :@@instances ).select{ |key, val| val.null? }.keys
return 0 if nameless_instances.size == 0
catch :no_nameless_instances do search_namespace_and_subspaces Object end
return nameless_instances.size
end # def const_magic
# @@instances getter and setter for the target class
def instances; const_magic; class_variable_get :@@instances end
def instances= val; class_variable_set :@@instances, val end
# @@nameless_instances getter for the target class
def nameless_instances; class_variable_get :@@nameless_instances end
def nameless_instances= val; class_variable_set :@@nameless_instances, val end
# Checks all the constants in some module's namespace, recursivy
def search_namespace_and_subspaces( ɱodule, occupied = [] )
occupied << ɱodule.object_id # mark the module "occupied"
# Get all the constants of ɱodule namespace (in reverse - more effic.)
const_symbols = ɱodule.constants( false ).reverse
# check contents of these constant for wanted objects
const_symbols.each do |sym|
# puts "#{ɱodule}::#{sym}" # DEBUG
# get the constant contents
obj = ɱodule.const_get( sym ) rescue nil
# is it a wanted object?
if nameless_instances.map( &:object_id ).include? obj.object_id then
class_variable_get( :@@instances )[ obj ] = ɱodule.name + "::#{sym}"
nameless_instances.delete obj
# and stop working in case there are no more unnamed instances
throw :no_nameless_instances if nameless_instances.empty?
# and recursively descend into the subspaces
const_symbols.each do |sym|
obj = ɱodule.const_get sym rescue nil # get the const value
search_namespace_and_subspaces( obj, occupied ) unless
occupied.include? obj.object_id if obj.kind_of? Module
end # module ConstMagicClassMethods
end # module ConstMagicErsatz
上面的代码实现了对整个 Ruby 命名空间的自动搜索,目的是在调用 #name 方法时找出哪个常量引用给定的实例。
ABC = MySettings.new
然后,当第一次使用 MySettings 实例时,在做任何其他事情之前,修补它的元类:
class MySettings
def do_something_useful
# before doing it
instance_name = self.name
singleton_class.class_exec { source "#{instance_name}.yml" }
# do other useful things