我有这个 div,我想在第一句话中添加一些样式。
<div class="text">dfgdfg.asdhasd</div>
var text = $('.text').html().split(".")[0]+".";
$(".text:contains("+text+")").css("color", "red");
我有这个 div,我想在第一句话中添加一些样式。
<div class="text">dfgdfg.asdhasd</div>
var text = $('.text').html().split(".")[0]+".";
$(".text:contains("+text+")").css("color", "red");
See http://jsfiddle.net/wp5kw/
Assuming a paragraph of:
<p id="para"> This is a test. Is it? Yes, it is indeed!
You might ask, is this a sentence? To which I would reply
with a resounding "YES"!!!</p>
To grab all the sentences, use:
var sentences=$('#para').text() // get example text
.match(/[^\.\!\?]+[\.\!\?]+/g) // extract all sentences
.map(function(s){ // (optional) remove leading and trailing whitespace
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
To highlight the first sentence, use:
var count=0;
return count++
? s
: '<span style="color:red">'+s+'</span>'
}).join(' ')
The regular expression assumes that periods, exclamation and question marks are used to terminate a sentence, and is:
[^\.\!\?]+ -- one or more non-sentence terminals
[\.\!\?]+ -- followed by one or more sentence terminals
这只有在页面上只有一个 .text 元素时才会起作用。
var elem = $('.text');
var textParts = elem.html().split(".");
var first = "<span class='red'>" + textParts.shift() + ".</span>";
elem.html(first + textParts.join("."));
如果有多个,则需要一个 each 循环。
var elems = $('.text');
elems.each( function(){
var elem = $(this);
var textParts = elem.html().split(".");
var first = "<span class='red'>" + textParts.shift() + ".</span>";
elem.html(first + textParts.join("."));
.text .red{
color: #FF0000;
运行示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/a68dS/1/
您需要将其包装在一个元素中,您不能将 css 应用于文本节点:
var $div = $('.text');
var text = $div.text();
$div.html( text.replace(/.+?\./, '<span>$&</span>') );
演示:http: //jsbin.com/ezojic/1/edit