我只想在颜色条上绘制大于或等于 6 且小于或等于 12 的数据。我写了以下内容。但我无法包括其他限制:
scatter(x(log_gnd>=6), y(log_gnd>=6), 5, log_gnd(log_gnd>=6));
我还想将颜色条分成 4 段。
Plot data points greater than or equal to 6 and lower than or equal to 12 (and function reference).
indices = log_gnd>=6 & log_gnd<=12;
scatter(x(indices), y(indices), 5, log_gnd(indices));
Concerning the division of colorbar into 4 segments, following code divides colorbar with labels. If you would like for numbers to be there remove 'YTickLabel', {'First', 'Second', 'Third'}
from the code.
colorbar('YTick', [7.5 9 10.5], 'YTickLabel', {'First', 'Second', 'Third'});