我只是在我叔叔的推荐下从 Java 跳到 C#。Java 几何库似乎比 C# 的绘图库更完整,所以我正在做一些简单的移植,并添加一些附加功能以开始进入 C#。


public abstract bool isOverlapping(GeometricObject2D o) {}


public abstract bool isOverlapping(Rectangle2D rect) {}
public abstract bool isOverlapping(Circle2D circ) {}



4 回答 4




以下是访问者模式如何用于此目的。(我将使用 Java 语法,因为我不是 C# 程序员)。首先,这里使用访问者模式比通常情况更复杂,因为您必须根据两个参数的类型修改操作。实际上,您需要三重调度。Clojure 等语言直接支持这一点,但在 Java(可能还有 C#)中,您需要通过使用两个访问者级别来模拟三重调度。它很丑,但最大的好处是它可以保持几何层次结构的清洁和可维护性,并将所有交集逻辑集中在一个编译单元中。

public interface IGeometry {
    void accept(IGeometryVisitor visitor);

public interface IGeometryVisitor {
    void visitCircle2D(Circle2D circle);
    void visitBox2D(Box2D box);
    // a method for each concrete type

public class Circle2D implements IGeometry {
    public void accept(IGeometryVisitor visitor) {

public class Box2D implements IGeometry {
    public void accept(IGeometryVisitor visitor) {

public class IntersectionVisitor implements IGeometryVisitor {
    private boolean mResult;
    private IGeometry mGeometry2;

    public static boolean isOverlapping(IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2) {
        return new IntersectionVisitor(geometry1, geometry2).mResult;

    private IntersectionVisitor(IGeometry geometry1, IGeometry geometry2) {
        mGeometry2 = geometry2;
        // now start the process

    public void visitCircle2D(Circle2D circle) {
        mGeometry2.accept(new Circle2DIntersector(circle));

    private class Circle2DIntersector implements IGeometryVisitor {
        private Circle2D mCircle;
        Circle2DIntersector(Circle2D circle) {
            mCircle = circle;
        public void visitCircle2D(Circle2D circle) {
            mResult = isOverlapping(mCircle, circle);
        public void visitBox2D(Box2D box) {
            mResult = isOverlapping(mCircle, box);

    private class Box2DIntersector implements IGeometryVisitor {
        private Box2D mBox;
        Box2DIntersector(Box2D box) {
            mBox = box;
        public void visitCircle2D(Circle2D circle) {
            mResult = isOverlapping(circle, mBox);
        public void visitBox2D(Box2D box) {
            mResult = isOverlapping(mBox, box);

    // static methods to compute overlap of concrete types
    // For N concrete types there will be N*(N+1)/2 methods
    public static boolean isOverlapping(Circle2D circle1, Circle2D circle2) {
        return /* intersection of 2 circles */;

    public static boolean isOverlapping(Circle2D circle, Box2D box) {
        return . . .;

    public static boolean isOverlapping(Box2D box1, Box2D box2) {
        return . . .;
于 2012-11-08T15:27:49.793 回答


Your second code snippet (with multiple concrete classes) is a start toward one common solution to the double dispatch problem, known as the visitor pattern. It works better than a chain of if-then-elses, but it has a couple of shortcomings:

  • Every time you add a new shape, all shapes must be extended with a method to check the overlap with the newly added shape
  • It is not clear where to look for the definitive algorithm of, say, Rectangle2D overlapping Circle2D - in Rectangle2D's IsOverlapping(Circle2D), or in Circle2D's IsOverlapping(Rectangle2D)

One common solution is to introduce type IDs, and make a 2D array of delegates that process overlaps of geometric shapes. This suffers from the first problem of the visitor, but fixes the second by centralizing the decision making.

于 2012-11-08T15:38:24.203 回答


public interface IGeometry
    bool IsOverlapping(IGeometry geometry);

public class Circle2D : IGeometry
    public bool IsOverlapping(IGeometry geometry)
        dynamic dyn = geometry;
        return Overlapper.Overlap(this, dyn);

public class Box2D : IGeometry
    public bool IsOverlapping(IGeometry geometry)
        dynamic dyn = geometry;
        return Overlapper.Overlap(this, dyn);

public static class Overlapper
    public static bool Overlap(Box2D box1, Box2D box2)
        // logic goes here

    public static bool Overlap(Box2D box1, Circle2D circle1)
        // logic goes here

    public static bool Overlap(Circle2D circle1, Box2D box1)
        return Overlap(box1, circle1); // No need to rewrite it twice

    public static bool Overlap(Circle2D circle1, Circle2D circle2)
        // logic goes here


于 2012-11-08T15:52:56.833 回答


如果您确实使用抽象类型作为参数,那么您仍然需要检查有问题的具体类型并执行相关的数学运算。这里的问题是解决方案不太明确 - 您可以传入一个GeometricObject2DisOverlapping. 然后呢?在这里抛出异常并不是很好,因为isOverlapping(GeometricObject2D o)从技术上讲,您的调用在定义上是受欢迎的。说“我们接受几乎所有GeometricObject2D 类型!”,这违背了 OOP 的观点。

于 2012-11-08T15:32:32.303 回答