. 可以通过在循环内打开和关闭延迟扩展来修复该限制。
对于大多数合理大小的文件,该解决方案可能足够快。但是对于大文件,FOR 循环可能会变得非常慢。
我测试了一个包含 2817 行的 190kb 文件,Alex K. 解决方案一次运行需要 20 秒。
这是一个完全不同的解决方案,不使用在 0.07 秒内处理相同 190kb 文件的任何循环 - 快 285 倍 :)
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "file=test.txt"
findstr /bv "$ &" "%file%" >"%file%.available"
set "var="
<"%file%.available" set /p "var="
if defined var (
>"%file%.new" (
findstr /b "&" "%file%"
<nul set /p "=&"
type "%file%.available"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
del "%file%.available"
echo var=!var!
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Define the file to process
set "file=test.txt"
:: Write the unused lines to a temporary "available" file. We don't want any
:: empty lines, so I strip them out here. There are two regex search strings;
:: the first looks for empty lines, the second for lines starting with &.
:: The /v option means only write lines that don't match either search string.
findstr /bv "$ &" "%file%" >"%file%.available"
:: Read the first available line into a variable
set "var="
<"%file%.available" set /p "var="
:: If var defined, then continue, else we are done
if defined var (
REM Redirect output to a "new" file. It is more efficient to redirect
REM the entire block once than it is to redirect each command individulally
>"%file%.new" (
REM Write the already used lines to the "new" file
findstr /b "&" "%file%"
REM Append the & without a new line
<nul set /p "=&"
REM Append the unused lines from the "available" file. The first appended
REM line is marked as used because of the previously written &
type "%file%.available"
REM Replace the original file with the "new" content
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
:: Delete the temp "available" file
del "%file%.available"
:: Display the result
echo var=!var!
findstr "^[^&]" "%file%" >"%file%.available"