declare @Timeout as Int = 5000 -- Milliseconds.
-- Start and end times.
declare @Now as DateTime = GetDate()
declare @TimeoutExpiration as DateTime = DateAdd( ms, @Timeout, @Now )
-- Set the delay interval to the smaller of @Timeout / 10 or 1 second.
declare @DelayInterval as Time = DateAdd( ms, @Timeout / 10, 0 )
if @DelayInterval > '00:00:01.000'
set @DelayInterval = '00:00:01.000'
declare @WaitForDelay as VarChar(12) = Cast( @DelayInterval as VarChar(12) ) -- WaitFor insists on a truncated string for the delay.
select @Timeout as 'Timeout (ms)', @Now as 'Now', @TimeoutExpiration as 'TimeoutExpiration', @DelayInterval as 'DelayInterval'
declare @Result as Table ( Foo Int ) -- Modify to match the schema of your expected results.
-- Execute the query in a loop until either a result is returned or the timeout expires.
declare @RowCount as Int = 0
declare @Iterations as Int = 0
while @TimeoutExpiration >= GetDate() and @RowCount = 0
-- Randomly decide to insert a row into the results. (Replace with your query.)
insert into @Result
select 42 as Foo
where Rand() > 0.8
-- Handle the query result.
set @RowCount = @@RowCount
if @RowCount = 0
waitfor delay @WaitForDelay
set @Iterations = @Iterations + 1
-- Return the result.
select @Iterations as 'Iterations' -- Just for demonstration purposes.
select *
from @Result