我正在尝试在 node.js Web 应用程序中获取网站的描述。它似乎运行良好,但是 node.js 似乎在 NCR 字符方面存在问题(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeric_character_reference)。我为链接抓取器提供的代码如下所示
getInfo:(url) ->
errorMessage = 'Invalid Link'
request(url, (error, response, body)->
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200)
handler = new htmlparser.DefaultHandler((err, dom) ->
if (err)
res(error: errorMessage)
imgs = select(dom, 'img')
titletags = select(dom,'title')
descripTags = select(dom,'meta')
filteredTags = _.filter(descripTags,(tag) -> tag.attribs.name? && tag.attribs.name == 'description')
uri = response.request.uri.href
mapFunc =(imgSrc) ->
pattern = /^((http|https|ftp):\/\/)/
img = imgSrc.attribs.src
if (!pattern.test(img)) then uri.substring(0,uri.length-1) + img else img
images: _.filter(_.map(imgs,mapFunc),(img)-> (img != '')) || []
title: titletags[0].children[0].raw || ''
description: if filteredTags.length != 0 then filteredTags[0].attribs.content || '' else ''
parser = new htmlparser.Parser(handler)
res(error: errorMessage)
例如,如果我输入以下 URL 以获取信息表单 (http://www.zdnet.com),则描述将为ZDNet's breaking news, analysis, and research keeps business technology professionals in touch with the latest IT trends, issues and events.
. 撇号是问题(表示为'
我的问题是,为什么没有任何库正确解析有效的 HTML NCR 并将它们转换为等效的字符串,如果没有办法解决这个问题,使用一些替换所有出现的 NCR 是否安全?其他图书馆?
request = require 'request'
htmlparser = require 'htmlparser'
select = require('soupselect').select
_ = require 'underscore'