当我在 google app engine 中创建应用程序并在 safari 中打开应用程序(http:localhost:8080)时,它工作正常。但是当我在 chrome 或 fire fox 中打开时,它不会运行(http:localhost:8080)并给出以下页面。
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error Message</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<STYLE id=L_10061_1>A {
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FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #934225
SPAN.TryThings {
FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #934225
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<TD id=L_10061_x class=x valign=middle align=center>X</TD>
<TD class=titleBorder id=L_10061_2>Network Access Message:<SPAN class=TitleDescription> The page cannot be displayed</SPAN> </TD>
<TABLE id=spacer>
<TD height=10></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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<TD noWrap width=25></TD>
<TD width=400><SPAN class=explain><ID id=L_10061_3><B>Explanation:</B></ID></SPAN><ID id=L_10061_4> The Web server refused the connection. </ID><BR><BR>
<B><SPAN class=tryThings><ID id=L_10061_5><B>Try the following:</B></ID></SPAN></B>
<UL class=TryList>
<LI id=L_10061_6><B>Refresh page:</B> Search for the page again by clicking the Refresh button. The timeout could have occurred due to Internet congestion.
<LI id=L_10061_7><B>Check spelling:</B> Check that the Web page address is spelled correctly. The address may have been mistyped.
<LI id=L_10061_8><B>Access from a link:</B> If there is a link to the page you are looking for, try accessing the page from that link.
<LI id=L_10061_9><B>Contact website:</B> You may want to contact the website administrator to make sure the Web page still exists. You can do this by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the website home page.
<ID id=L_10061_10>If you are still not able to view the requested page, try contacting your administrator or Helpdesk.</ID> <BR><BR>
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<TABLE width=400>
<TD noWrap width=25></TD>
<TD width=400 id=L_10061_11><B>Technical Information (for support personnel)</B>
<UL class=adminList>
<LI id=L_10061_12>Error Code 10061: Connection refused
<LI id=L_10061_13>Background: The server you are attempting to access has refused the connection with the gateway. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the server.
<LI id=L_10061_14>Date: 11/8/2012 1:19:34 PM [GMT]
<LI id=L_10061_15>Server: NBS-TMGPTCL.Cdocs.local
<LI id=L_10061_16>Source: Remote server