好吧,这就是现在的交易,我有一个固定高度为 182 x 182 像素的 div,它们向左浮动,因此它们水平对齐。我需要做的是,一旦单击了这些 div 之一,我需要所有这些 div 尽可能从水平动画到垂直动画。如果您能指出我的简单插件或编写代码,那就太棒了,谢谢!
|-------| |-------| |-------|
| 1 | | 2 | | 3 | <-- Box 1 is clicked, boxes 2 and 3 need to
|_______| |_______| |_______| be animated vertically don't necessarily
| have to move in straight lines they can
|-------| V | float over or on top of eachother as long as
| 2 | <-- | they animate from horizontal to vertical.
|_______| |
|-------| V
| 3 | <----