我想使用 mysql form ploneformgen,但我无法构建 plone。
Getting required 'MySQL-python>=1.2.1'
required by Products.ZMySQLDA 3.1.1.
We have no distributions for MySQL-python that satisfies 'MySQL-python>=1.2.1'.
Getting distribution for 'MySQL-python>=1.2.1'.
Running easy_install:
/usr/local/Plone/Python-2.6/bin/python "-c" "from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mUNxd" "/usr/local/Plone/zeocluster/../buildout-cache/eggs/tmpDSODu0" "-Z" "/usr/local/Plone/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/MySQL-python-1.2.4c1.zip"
Processing MySQL-python-1.2.4c1.zip
Running MySQL-python-1.2.4c1/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-gFbWLf/MySQL-python-1.2.4c1/egg-dist-tmp-16g1TE
The required version of distribute (>=0.6.28) is not available,
and can't be installed while this script is running. Please
install a more recent version first, using
'easy_install -U distribute'.
(Currently using distribute 0.6.19 (/usr/local/Plone/Python-2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/distribute-0.6.19-py2.6.egg))
error: Setup script exited with 2
An error occured when trying to install MySQL-python 1.2.4c1. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'MySQL-python>=1.2.1'.
Error: Couldn't install: MySQL-python 1.2.4c1
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
Products.PloneFormGen = 1.7.1
Products.ZMySQLDA = 3.1.1
collective.classifieds = 1.6
plone.app.ldap = 1.2.8
quintagroup.dropdownmenu = 1.2.5
quintagroup.pfg.captcha = 1.0.5
zettwerk.ui = 1.1.1