仍在尝试为大型大学项目(RCP 产品)建立无头构建。
每个 Eclipse 用户都知道以下手动功能:“文件 --> 导入 --> 现有项目到工作区”以及“构建工作区”和“清理工作区”
Ant4Eclipse has a task that can do this: workspaceDefinition. It takes the directory in which to create the workspace and a list of directories to search for projects, and adds any projects it discovers to the new workspace.
I don't think it can add a project to an existing workspace. I'm also not clear on whether it can register a project that is within the workspace directory (and keeps its relative path if the workspace is moved); it seems the project must have an external, absolute pathname.
我用一个用于导入项目的 hacky 小插件回答了之前的问题。这可能会有所帮助,或者至少向您展示如何自己实现类似的插件。
还没有,但你可以期待它很快。Bug 320552的工作正在进行中。