Does any of you have a clue on how to change the cursor color in Zend Studio 7.0 on Mac OS X?

I am asking because I really fancy dark colored themes. After a few hours I managed to port my favorite theme from TextMate.app. However my cursor is still black, which is somehow troublesome.

As you can see here - http://twitpic.com/f7ywc - the cursor becomes pretty invisible, right?

Please help me out here. Btw - anyone interested in the theme?

All the best


2 回答 2


我喜欢 TextMate 和它的暮光主题,所以这个问题对我来说很重要。我认为 Eclipse for Mac 只是由于SWT 错误而无法设置插入符号颜色。


  1. 打开首选项并转到常规 -> 编辑器 -> 文本编辑器
  2. 选中“突出显示当前行”
  3. 在底部的滚动列表中,将“当前行高亮”设置为中深灰色。
于 2009-09-15T19:56:19.530 回答

实际上,Eclipse 3.5 更好的解决方案是使用 Carbon 构建而不是 Cocoa。Cocoa 似乎强制使用黑色光标,但 Carbon 没有这个问题。令我惊讶的是,在 Carbon 中滚动代码也快了很多。

于 2009-12-15T21:03:04.877 回答