我正在使用一种将 html 文本解析为 NSString 的开源方法。
and newLineAndWhitespaceCharacters
- (NSString *)stringByConvertingHTMLToPlainText {
// Pool
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Character sets
NSCharacterSet *stopCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"< \t\r%C%C%C%C", 0x0085, 0x000C, 0x2028, 0x2029]];
NSCharacterSet *newLineAndWhitespaceCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" \t\r%C%C%C%C", 0x0085, 0x000C, 0x2028, 0x2029]];
NSCharacterSet *tagNameCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"];
// Scan and find all tags
NSMutableString *result = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:self.length];
NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:self];
[scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];
[scanner setCaseSensitive:YES];
NSString *str = nil, *tagName = nil;
BOOL dontReplaceTagWithSpace = NO;
do {
// Scan up to the start of a tag or whitespace
if ([scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:stopCharacters intoString:&str]) {
[result appendString:str];
str = nil; // reset
// Check if we've stopped at a tag/comment or whitespace
if ([scanner scanString:@"<" intoString:NULL]) {
// Stopped at a comment or tag
if ([scanner scanString:@"!--" intoString:NULL]) {
// Comment
[scanner scanUpToString:@"-->" intoString:NULL];
[scanner scanString:@"-->" intoString:NULL];
} else {
// Tag - remove and replace with space unless it's
// a closing inline tag then dont replace with a space
if ([scanner scanString:@"/" intoString:NULL]) {
// Closing tag - replace with space unless it's inline
tagName = nil; dontReplaceTagWithSpace = NO;
if ([scanner scanCharactersFromSet:tagNameCharacters intoString:&tagName]) {
tagName = [tagName lowercaseString];
dontReplaceTagWithSpace = ([tagName isEqualToString:@"a"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"b"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"i"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"q"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"span"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"em"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"strong"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"cite"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"abbr"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"acronym"] ||
[tagName isEqualToString:@"label"]);
// Replace tag with string unless it was an inline
if (!dontReplaceTagWithSpace && result.length > 0 && ![scanner isAtEnd]) [result appendString:@" "];
// Scan past tag
[scanner scanUpToString:@">" intoString:NULL];
[scanner scanString:@">" intoString:NULL];
} else {
// Stopped at whitespace - replace all whitespace and newlines with a space
if ([scanner scanCharactersFromSet:newLineAndWhitespaceCharacters intoString:NULL]) {
if (result.length > 0 && ![scanner isAtEnd]) [result appendString:@" "]; // Dont append space to beginning or end of result
} while (![scanner isAtEnd]);
// Cleanup
[scanner release];
// Decode HTML entities and return
NSString *retString = [[result stringByDecodingHTMLEntities] retain];
[result release];
// Drain
[pool drain];
// Return
return [retString autorelease];
这是字符串的 NSLog。我只粘贴了前几段
Mitt Romney spent the past six years running for president. After his loss to President Barack Obama, he'll have to chart a different course.
His initial plan: spend time with his family. He has five sons and 18 grandchildren, with a 19th on the way.
"I don't look at postelection to be a time of regrouping. Instead it's a time of forward focus," Romney told reporters aboard his plane Tuesday evening as he returned to Boston after the final campaign stop of his political career. "I have, of course, a family and life important to me, win or lose."
The most visible member of that family — wife Ann Romney — says neither she nor her husband will seek political office again.
for (int j = 25; j< 50; j++) {
char test = [completeTrimmed characterAtIndex:([completeTrimmed rangeOfString:@"chart a different course."].location + j)];
NSLog(@"%hhd", test);
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