我想用 MVC 在我的 Jqgrid 中添加多个删除功能这里有我当前网格的代码在操作中有两件事查看和删除但我想要一个复选框并在网格外单击一个按钮时单击它选中的项目应该被删除并且在删除动作触发消息之前确认请帮助。



    @if (ViewBag.Filters != string.Empty)

        url: '/Home/GetList',//Service URL to fetch data
        datatype: 'json',//Data Type which service will return
        mtype: 'GET', 
        postData://Data that will be posted with every request
            filters: function () {
                return $.toJSON([
                                //Here add the parameters which you like to pass to server
                                { Key: "EmployeeName", Value: $("#txtEmployeeName").val() },
                                { Key: "Id", Value: $("#txtId").val() }
        colNames: ['Employee Id', 'EmployeeName','empPhoto', 'Action'],//Column Names
        colModel: [//Column details
                    { name: "Employee Id", index: "Employee Id", width: "220px" },
                    { name: "Employee Name", index: "EmployeeName", width: "220px" },
                    { name: "empPhoto", index: "empPhoto", width: "50px" ,formatter:imageFormat },
                    //Do not allow sorting on Action Column

                   { name: "Action", index: "Action", sortable: false, width: "220px" }


        autowidth: true,//Do not use auto width
        sortname: '@ViewBag.EmployeeGridRequest.sidx',//This will persist sorting column
        sortorder: '@ViewBag.EmployeeGridRequest.sord', // This will persist sorting order
        imgpath: '',//if some images are used then show grid's path
        caption: 'Employee Grid List',//Grid's Caption, you can set it to blank if you do not want this
        scrollOffset: 0,
        rowNum: @ViewBag.EmployeeGridRequest.rows, //Total Pages
        page: @ViewBag.EmployeeGridRequest.page, // Current Page
        rowList: [@ViewBag.EmployeeGridRequest.rowList], // Page Selection Options
       viewrecords: true,
      //  height: "100%",
        altRows: true,//Use alternate row colors
        altclass: 'jqgaltrow',//Alternate row class
        hoverrows: true, //Do not hover rows on mouse over
        pager: $('#jq-grid-pager'),//Div in which pager will be displayed
        toppager: true,

        pgbuttons: true,//Show next/previous buttons
        loadtext:'Loading Data please wait ...',
        //loadui :'block',//enable by default, block will disable inputs, remove this line if you do not want to block UI
        loadComplete: function (response) //Incase you want to perform some action once data is loaded


1 回答 1


这是我在没有找到 jqgrid api 提供的内置解决方案后采取的一种方法。希望这可以帮助。我采用这种方法是因为我想允许删除那些通过业务规则的记录,并提醒用户注意那些发现问题的记录。

            #jqGrid delete button
            //Delete selected devices from jqgrid standard checkbox
             jQuery("#jqDevice").jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#jqDevicePager', {
                caption: "",
                title: "Delete selected records",
                buttonicon: "ui-icon-trash",
                position: "first",
                onClickButton: function(){

                    //alert("edit button clicked");
                    var selIds = $("#jqDevice").getGridParam("selarrrow");
                    var len = selIds.length;

                      buttons : {
                        "Confirm" : function() {
                            //loop through each rows selected and delete
                            if(selIds.length > 0){
                                for(var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //traverse the selarrow array in reverse order.
                                    //alert("Deleting Device... " + selIds[i]); //Test
                                        type: 'POST',
                                        data: "deviceID=" + selIds[i],
                                        url: '/Device/DeleteDeviceByID',
                                        async: false,
                                        success: function(data, textStatus){
                                            //successfully deleted row
                                            alert("Successfully deleted records...");
                                        error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {      
                                alert("No rows selected.");
                            //Close Dialog after user confirms delete action
                        "Cancel" : function() {

            # Controller Action
            public ActionResult DeleteDeviceByID(int deviceID) 
                    //update LastModBy before deleting
                    Device device = _deviceRepository.GetDevice(deviceID);
                    device.LastModBy = User.Identity.Name;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //throw new Exception (ex.Message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));
                    //return Json(new { success = false, message = ex.Message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty) });
                    //Good way to raise error in JSON format
                    Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    return Json("There was a problem deleting ID - " + deviceID + " :  " + ex.Message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty) + 
                        "\r\n\r\n Please try again. If the problem continues, please contact ... for further assistance.");


                return Json(new { success = true });
于 2013-02-02T00:57:56.867 回答