我正在使用下拉列表选择一个选项,该选项根据已保存的项目填写表格。我要做的就是从下拉列表中获取表单ID,然后查询数据库以获取正确的值以进入字段。The Ajax request works correctly, however ,since the form is called from a function, when a value is selected that same function is called again so there are 2 forms generated.


  1. 当页面加载时,会调用函数 create_event 来显示一个表单。

  2. 如果从下拉列表中选择一个项目(在 create_event 中)以填写一些选项,则通过 ajax 再次调用相同的 create_event 函数,以便再次加载相同的表单。


if($_GET['form_id']){ //a value was selected from the drop down list
    if(isset($my_username)){  //make sure the user is signed in
        $form_id = $_GET['form_id']; 
if($uri_2 == "create" AND !$_GET['form_id']){ //checks URI for create page and no form_id has been selected
    if(isset($my_username)){  //make sure the user is signed in
        $form_id = "";

我该如何解决这个问题?我对页面重新加载很好,但如果不通过 URL 直观地传递一些东西(我想避免),我不知道如何做到这一点。


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