#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int monkeys = 3;
const int weekdays = 7;
double monkeyWeek[monkeys][weekdays];
double largest;
double least;
double average;
int index;
int dayCount;
double amount;
double amountEaten(double[] [weekdays], int);
double mostEaten (double[] [weekdays],int);
double leastEaten (double[][weekdays], int);
int main(){
cout << "Ch 7-4 Monkey " << endl;
cout << "Created by Aaron Roberts" << endl;
double mostBananas (double[] [weekdays],int);
double leastBananas (double[][weekdays],int);
//double bananaAverage (double[][weekdays], int);
double amountEaten(double array[] [weekdays], int){
cout << "Please enter the amount of food eaten per monkey per day." << endl;
double amount = array[0][0];
for (index = 0; index < monkeys; index++)
for (dayCount = 0; dayCount < weekdays; dayCount++)
cout << endl <<"Please enter the amount of pounds eaten by monkey"
<<(index +1)
<< endl << "for day " << (dayCount +1) << ": ";
cin >> monkeyWeek[monkeys] [weekdays] ;
if (monkeyWeek[monkeys] [weekdays] < 1)
cout << endl <<"Must feed positive amount" << endl;
double mostEaten( double array[] [weekdays], int size)
double largest = array[0][0];
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
for (int col = 0; col < count; col++)
if (array[count][weekdays] > largest)
largest = array[count][weekdays];
return largest;
double leastEaten(double array[] [weekdays], int size)
double least = array[0][0];
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
for (int col = 0; col < size; col++);
if (array[count][weekdays] < least)
least = array[count][weekdays];
return least;
该项目需要使用二维数组来存储 3 只猴子每周 7 天吃掉的食物磅数。
创建一个函数来获取一周中每一天每只猴子吃掉的磅数。创建第二个函数来确定通过数组来计算所有吃的钱的总数,然后是一天吃的平均值。(你们中的一些人将此解释为对所有值求和,然后除以值的数量。其他人将此解释为对每天的值求和并计算当天的平均值。因此,将有 7 行输出,而不仅仅是一条。 )
我是 C++ 的新手并且卡住了,真的不知道如何完成这个。感谢您的帮助,我真的很感激。