I have two drop downs, one which influences the other. The first acts as a filter for the second. Hiding (display:none)
options does not work for IE8. So I need to actually remove the options. But I want to be able to reset the options to the original list and filter them again for a different team. The problem is either I delete options and never get them back OR I never delete anything. My gut tells me it is related to references or assigning the new object back to the DOM.
1st dropdown (dd1) - the html for this is right in my code, I had difficulty displaying it.
<select id="pTeamFilter" onchange="teamChanged();" name="pTeamFilter">
<option value="0">select a Team</option>
<option value="4"> Property Team </option>
<option value="7"> Rick's Team </option>
<option value="10"> Robert's Team </option>
2nd dropdown (dd2)
<select id="pAnalystFilter" name="pAnalystFilter">
<option value="0">select an Analyst</option>
<option data-teamid="7" value="682"> Clark Kent </option>
<option data-teamid="10" value="652"> Bruce Wayne </option>
<option data-teamid="10" value="7"> Peter Parker </option>
<option data-teamid="13" value="971"> Bruce Banner </option>
var analystFullArrayElement;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
analystFullArrayElement = jQuery(document.getElementById('pAnalystFilter')).clone();
function teamChanged() {
//get the team id
var teamId = document.getElementById('pTeamFilter').value;
//get full list of Analysts.
var newAnalystElement = jQuery(analystFullArrayElement).clone();
jQuery('option', newAnalystElement).each(function() {
//remove unwanted analysts
if ((jQuery(this).attr("data-teamid") != teamId) && (jQuery(this).val() != 0)) {
document.getElementById('pAnalystFilter').innerHTML() = jQuery(newAnalystElement).html();
//var analystElement = document.getElementById('pAnalystFilter');