我有一个包含 4 列的数据表,其中包含货币。目前我将它们视为普通列并手动将“$”附加到每个值。现在我需要将列的格式也设置为逗号。有没有插件可以做到这一点?我还想删除手动添加“$”值。我检查了几个网站,但我真的不明白它们是如何工作的。
3 回答
[更新答案以使用 DataTables 1.9+ 并尊重 rynop 的更好答案。原始答案保留在水平规则下方,但它已经过时且效率低于应有的水平。]
var myTable = $('#mytable').DataTable({
"columns": [
"data" : "key_of_column",
"render" : function( data, type, full ) {
// you could prepend a dollar sign before returning, or do it
// in the formatNumber method itself
return formatNumber(data);
// elsewhere... probably more likely in a utility namespace or module
function formatNumber(n) {
return n.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
我自己不会为每个单元格添加美元值,这个决定会降低你需要做的事情的复杂性。;-) 在任何电子表格或货币值表中,您只需将货币符号放在标题或第一行中。把它放在标题中会让你的生活更轻松,把它放在第一行实际上会增加你的问题的复杂性。
所以,回到 DataTables 本身,你有多种方法可以给这只猫剥皮,但这里有两种:
Render the whole table without the commas (ie. default DataTables behaviour) but adding a class to those particular cells with the sClass parameter. Then use fnDrawCallback to fire the comma-creating function as described in the above link.
Use only the regex from the above link to modify the cell as data comes in.
Something like this (where 3 is the zero-index column that you're modifying):
"aoColumnDefs": [ {
"aTargets": [3],
"fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
var $currencyCell = $(nTd);
var commaValue = $currencyCell.text().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
is part of your initialization object passed to dataTable()
If you absolutely MUST add the dollar sign, you would just prepend it in the same function before the text
I would leverage the 'mRender' method in 'aoColumns'. Its cleaner and probably more efficient than the currently accepted solution.
oTable = $('#mytable').dataTable( {
"aoColumns": [
"sTitle": "MyCol With Number",
"mRender": function( data, type, full ) {
return formatNumber(data);
Where formatNumber is defined as follows:
function formatNumber(n) {
return n.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
Using fnRender also allows you to have complete control over the cell - for example if you want wrap the data with some HTML.
See http://www.datatables.net/usage/columns#mRender for complete specifications
DataTables 1.10 has a new Number Helper which is used in conjunction with the render option to easily format numbers, like this:
data: 'price',
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, '$' )
This will display a price value like 1000.006 as "$1,000.01".