我是 USB 和 Android 的新手,所以如果我没有清楚地解释自己,请原谅我。

我有一个可以在 Windows 中与之通信的 USB HID 设备。我正在尝试使用运行 Android 3.1 的 Acer Iconia A500 平板电脑建立通信。


我对 USB 规范的理解是,所有 HID 设备都至少需要有一个控制端点(端点 0)和一个中断 IN 端点。但是这里的端点0似乎是interrupt In端点,而不是控制端点。



请记住,当连接到 Windows 时,此设备会正确响应,例如,我能够发送包含 13 字节数据的报告,该报告会导致设备点亮 LED。所以它似乎符合 USB HID 规范。作为一种绝望的行为,我尝试使用这个端点作为控制端点和中断 OUT 端点,使用 controltransfer() 和 UsbRequest() 将数据提交给设备,在任何一种情况下都没有响应。



private UsbManager mUsbManager;
private UsbDevice mDevice;
private UsbDeviceConnection mConnectionRead;
private UsbDeviceConnection mConnectionWrite;
private UsbEndpoint mEndpointRead;
private UsbEndpoint mEndpointWrite;

    // check for existing devices
    for (UsbDevice device :  mUsbManager.getDeviceList().values())
        //Need to filter for my device when other HIDs are also connected, but for now...           
        String devName = device.getDeviceName();
        if (DEBUG == 1){
        Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "My device got connected: " + devName, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        //mDevice = device;

private boolean setHIDDevice(UsbDevice device)
    UsbInterface usbInterfaceRead = null;
    UsbInterface usbInterfaceWrite = null;
    UsbEndpoint ep1 = null;
    UsbEndpoint ep2 = null;
    boolean UsingSingleInterface = true;

    mDevice = device;

    //This HID device is using a single interface
    if (UsingSingleInterface)
        //usbInterfaceRead = device.getInterface(0x00);//only 1 EP on this interface
        usbInterfaceRead = findInterface(device);

        //Try getting an interface at next index
        //usbInterfaceWrite = device.getInterface(0x01);//throws exception

        // Try using the same interface for reading and writing
        usbInterfaceWrite = usbInterfaceRead;

        int endPointCount = usbInterfaceWrite.getEndpointCount();
        if (DEBUG == 2)
            Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Endpoints: " + endPointCount, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            //Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Interface: " + usbInterfaceRead, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

        if (endPointCount == 1)//only getting 1 endpoint
            ep1 = usbInterfaceRead.getEndpoint(0);
            //As an act of desperation try equating ep2 to this read EP, so that we can later attempt to write to it anyway
            ep2 = usbInterfaceRead.getEndpoint(0);
        else if (endPointCount == 2)
            ep1 = usbInterfaceRead.getEndpoint(0);
            ep2 = usbInterfaceRead.getEndpoint(1);

    else        // ! UsingSingleInterface
        usbInterfaceRead = device.getInterface(0x00);
        usbInterfaceWrite = device.getInterface(0x01);
        if ((usbInterfaceRead.getEndpointCount() == 1) && (usbInterfaceWrite.getEndpointCount() == 1))
            ep1 = usbInterfaceRead.getEndpoint(0);
            ep2 = usbInterfaceWrite.getEndpoint(0);
        if (DEBUG == 3)
            Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Using Dual Interface", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    //because ep1 = ep2 this will now not cause a return unless no ep is found at all
    if ((ep1 == null) || (ep2 == null))
        if (DEBUG == 4)
            Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "One EP is null", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        return false;

    // Determine which endpoint is the read, and which is the write
    if (ep1.getType() == UsbConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT)//I am getting a return of 3, which is an interrupt transfer
        if (ep1.getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_IN)//I am getting a return of 128, which is a device-to-host endpoint
            mEndpointRead = ep1;
            if (DEBUG == 5)
                Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "EP1 type: " + ep1.getType(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        if (ep1.getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_OUT)//nope
            mEndpointWrite = ep1;
            if (DEBUG == 6)
                Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "EP1 is a write", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    if (ep2.getType() == UsbConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT)
        if (ep2.getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_IN)
            //Try treating it as a write anyway             
            //mEndpointRead = ep2;
            mEndpointWrite = ep2;
        else if (ep2.getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_OUT)
            //usbEndpointWrite = ep2;
            mEndpointWrite = ep2;

    //check that we should be able to read and write
    if ((mEndpointRead == null) || (mEndpointWrite == null))
        return false;
    if (device != null)
        UsbDeviceConnection connection = mUsbManager.openDevice(device);
        if (connection != null && connection.claimInterface(usbInterfaceRead, true))
            Log.d(TAG, "open SUCCESS");
            mConnectionRead = connection;
            // Start the read thread
            //Comment out while desperately attempting to write on this connection/interface
            //Thread thread = new Thread(this);

            Log.d(TAG, "open FAIL");
            mConnectionRead = null;
    if (UsingSingleInterface)
        mConnectionWrite = mConnectionRead;
    else //! UsingSingleInterface
        mConnectionWrite = mUsbManager.openDevice(device);
        mConnectionWrite.claimInterface(usbInterfaceWrite, true);
    return true;

// searches for an interface on the given USB device
 private UsbInterface findInterface(UsbDevice device) {
    Log.d(TAG, "findInterface " + device);
    int count = device.getInterfaceCount();
    if (DEBUG == 7)
        Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Interface count: " + count, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        UsbInterface intf = device.getInterface(i);
        String InterfaceInfo = intf.toString();
        Log.d(TAG, "Interface: " + InterfaceInfo);
        //Class below is 3 for USB_HID
        if (intf.getInterfaceClass() == 3 && intf.getInterfaceSubclass() == 0 &&
                intf.getInterfaceProtocol() == 0) {
            return intf;
        //....try just returning the interface regardless of class/subclass
        //return intf;

    return null;
 private boolean sendControlTransfer(byte[] dataToSend)
    synchronized (this)
    if (mConnectionRead != null)
        //byte[] message = new byte[13];  // or 14?
        byte[] message = dataToSend;
         if (DEBUG == 9)
             Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Sending Control Transfer", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

         //first field ox21 is bin 00100001 which splits into 0 01 00001 for direction(1bit)/type(2b)/recipient(5b)
         //To set direction as 'host to Device' we need 0, To set type to HID we need 11 (3), and for recipient we want 00001
         //second field 0x09 is class specific request code, 0x09 is listed as 'reserved for future use'
         //third field 0x200 is value
         //int transfer = mConnectionRead.controlTransfer(0x21, 0x9, 0x200, 0, message, message.length, 0);
         //try with type set to HID
         int transfer = mConnectionRead.controlTransfer(0xC1, 0x9, 0x200, 0, message, message.length, 0);
         if (DEBUG == 10)
             Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Transfer returned " + transfer, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    return true;

private boolean sendInterruptTransfer(byte[] dataToSend)
    int bufferDataLength = mEndpointWrite.getMaxPacketSize();//The write endpoint is null unless we just copy the read endpoint
    if (DEBUG == 12)
        Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Max Packet Size: " + bufferDataLength, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferDataLength + 1);
    UsbRequest request = new UsbRequest();

    request.initialize(mConnectionWrite, mEndpointWrite);
    request.queue(buffer, bufferDataLength);

        /* only use requestwait on a read
        if (request.equals(mConnectionWrite.requestWait()))
            return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        // An exception has occurred
        if (DEBUG == 13)
            Toast.makeText(UsbHidDeviceTesterActivity.this, "Caught Write Exception", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    return true;

3 回答 3



  1. Android 在枚举其端点时不会列出控制端点。它仅列出其他端点。
  2. 到任何端点的连接都可以通过 controlTransfer 方法将控制传输发送到端点 0,该方法(引用自 api)“在端点 0 上为此设备执行控制事务”。
  3. 因此,在您上面的代码中,我将使用第 0 个端点作为中断输入端点,但它仍然允许控制传输。
  4. Missle Launcher 演示就是一个使用 HID 设备的示例,它使用的设备是带有中断端点的 HID 设备。
于 2013-01-05T02:27:14.030 回答


UsbManager mManager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
HashMap<String, UsbDevice> deviceList = mManager.getDeviceList();
Iterator<UsbDevice> deviceIterator = deviceList.values().iterator();

while (deviceIterator.hasNext())
        UsbDevice device = deviceIterator.next();
        Log.i(TAG,"Model: " + device.getDeviceName());
        Log.i(TAG,"ID: " + device.getDeviceId());
        Log.i(TAG,"Class: " + device.getDeviceClass());
        Log.i(TAG,"Protocol: " + device.getDeviceProtocol());
        Log.i(TAG,"Vendor ID " + device.getVendorId());
        Log.i(TAG,"Product ID: " + device.getProductId());
        Log.i(TAG,"Interface count: " + device.getInterfaceCount());
   // Get interface details
        for (int index = 0; index < device.getInterfaceCount(); index++)
        UsbInterface mUsbInterface = device.getInterface(index);
        Log.i(TAG,"  *****     *****");
        Log.i(TAG,"  Interface index: " + index);
        Log.i(TAG,"  Interface ID: " + mUsbInterface.getId());
        Log.i(TAG,"  Inteface class: " + mUsbInterface.getInterfaceClass());
        Log.i(TAG,"  Interface protocol: " + mUsbInterface.getInterfaceProtocol());
        Log.i(TAG,"  Endpoint count: " + mUsbInterface.getEndpointCount());
    // Get endpoint details 
            for (int epi = 0; epi < mUsbInterface.getEndpointCount(); epi++)
            UsbEndpoint mEndpoint = mUsbInterface.getEndpoint(epi);
            Log.i(TAG,"    ++++   ++++   ++++");
            Log.i(TAG,"    Endpoint index: " + epi);
            Log.i(TAG,"    Attributes: " + mEndpoint.getAttributes());
            Log.i(TAG,"    Direction: " + mEndpoint.getDirection());
            Log.i(TAG,"    Number: " + mEndpoint.getEndpointNumber());
            Log.i(TAG,"    Interval: " + mEndpoint.getInterval());
            Log.i(TAG,"    Packet size: " + mEndpoint.getMaxPacketSize());
            Log.i(TAG,"    Type: " + mEndpoint.getType());
    Log.i(TAG," No more devices connected.");
于 2012-11-10T23:26:46.907 回答

控制传输不显示任何接口描述符,默认情况下其端点编号为 0,用于输入和输出传输。

如果您有其他接口,这些接口的索引应该从 0 开始,即默认控制传输接口不计算在内。

因此,您的接口 0 包含端点 1 描述符。使用 UsbEndpoint 方法查找端点的属性,无论它是否为中断类型。如果是,则 UsbEndpoint.getType() 的端点类型应返回 0x03,UsbEndpoint.getEndpointNumber() 的端点编号应返回 0x81,这是端点 1 的常用值。


//first field ox21 is bin 00100001 which splits into 0 01 00001 for direction(1bit)/type(2b)/recipient(5b)
     //To set direction as 'host to Device' we need 0, **To set type to HID we need 11 (3)**, and for recipient we want 00001
     //second field 0x09 is class specific request code, **0x09 is listed as 'reserved for future use'**
     //**third field 0x200 is value**
     //int transfer = mConnectionRead.controlTransfer(0x21, 0x9, 0x200, 0, message, message.length, 0);
     //try with type set to HID
     int transfer = mConnectionRead.controlTransfer(0xC1, 0x9, 0x200, 0, message, message.length, 0);

Type 2 bits 用于表示class specific request,即其值为01,0x09 是Hid class specific request SET_REPORT,不保留。value 是用作 Hid 类的报告 ID 的 wValue,对于您的情况,如果您的 HID 描述符中只有一个报告,则它可能为 0。第 4 个参数是 wIndex,它应该用于指示接收者,对于您的情况,它应该是 0x01 接口作为接收者。


int transfer = mConnectionRead.controlTransfer(0xA1, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, message, message.length, 0);

其中第二个参数中的 0x01 是 GET_REPORT 是隐藏调用特定请求。


int transfer = mConnectionWrite.controlTransfer(0x21, 0x09, 0x00, 0x01, message, message.length, 0);

由于您只有中断 IN 端点 1,因此批量或中断传输应如下所示:

int transfer = bulkTransfer (ep1, message, message.length, 0);


于 2013-08-25T17:29:28.273 回答