谁能指导我如何使用 Autofac 注册 RavenDB?
.. 之后呢?
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autofac;
using Raven.Client;
using Raven.Client.Document;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
internal class Program
private static void Main()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register the document store as single instance,
// initializing it on first use.
builder.Register(x =>
var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080" };
return store;
// Register the session, opening a new session per lifetime scope.
builder.Register(x => x.Resolve<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession())
.OnRelease(x =>
// When the scope is released, save changes
// before disposing the session.
// Register other services as you see fit
var container = builder.Build();
// Simulate some activity. 5 users are placing orders simultaneously.
Parallel.For(0, 5, i =>
// Each user gets their own scope. In the real world this would be
// a new inbound call, such as a web request, and you would let an
// autofac plugin create the scope rather than creating it manually.
using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
// Let's do it. Again, in the real world you would just inject
// your service to something already wired up, like an MVC
// controller. Here, we will resolve the service manually.
var orderService = scope.Resolve<IOrderService>();
// Define the order service
public interface IOrderService
void PlaceOrder();
public class OrderService : IOrderService
private readonly IDocumentSession _session;
// Note how the session is being constructor injected
public OrderService(IDocumentSession session)
_session = session;
public void PlaceOrder()
_session.Store(new Order { Description = "Stuff", Total = 100.00m });
// we don't have to call .SaveChanges() here because we are doing it
// globally for the lifetime scope of the session.
// Just a sample of something to save into raven.
public class Order
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public decimal Total { get; set; }
请注意, DocumentStore 是单个实例,但 DocumentSession 是每个生命周期范围内的实例。对于这个示例,我手动创建生命周期范围并并行执行,模拟 5 个不同的用户可能如何同时下订单。他们每个人都将获得自己的会话。
将 SaveChanges 放入 OnRelease 事件是可选的,但您不必将其放入每个服务中。
在现实世界中,这可能是 Web 应用程序或服务总线应用程序,在这种情况下,您的会话应分别限定为单个 Web 请求或消息的生命周期。
如果您使用的是 ASP.Net WebApi,您应该从 NuGet 获取 Autofac.WebApi 包并使用他们的 .InstancePerApiRequest() 方法,该方法会自动创建适当的生命周期范围。